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It had been a week since that Tuesday in the cafe and Emelia was thinking more about Charles than she would like to admit. She never was amazing with emotions, not sharing them easily while always pretending to be fine. But she also hadn't thought about a guy like this in a while. Emelia wasn't obsessed or in love but he was on her mind. Every time she went to the cafe she hoped Charles was sitting in that corner, sipping his espresso. Wishing to catch a glimpse of the handsome, tan man with a cute french accent.

Though when she didn't for yet another week Emelia gave up. Sure she spent some time wondering where he would be if he as Amara told her came there often. Wondering if he spend time thinking about her. Did they just keep missing each other or did he decide not to come to the cafe anymore. But non of that mattered, Emelia was a busy (not really) women doing a lot more than waiting for some guy she talked to once.

"Hiya Em," she heard a voice yell snapping her out of her thoughts. It probably was Luca, her best friend she had known since she was a little girl coming here to spend the summer with her grandpa. They stayed friends as they got older. "Lucaaa," Emelia excitedly yelled getting up from her comfortable couch. "I missed you barging in to my house."

He hugged the tiny girl he hadn't seen in two weeks tightly, "And I missed barging into your house," Luca had been to his family in the US, they texted and called but Emelia still missed him. "Tell me all about your trip, how is your nona doing?"

After the pair of best friends caught up a bit they decided it was time for a swim. The weather was amazing and there was this beautiful small lake overshadowed by trees and everything green only a few minutes away.

They arrived after a short bike ride, quickly ditching their clothes and jumping in the warm water. Emelia was happy she brought her bikini. When she got up from the water she took a moment for herself, appreciating the lake, built in by rocks, plants hanging every where while the birds chirped and the sun shone brightly. "What a life,"

When Luca and Emelia were done swimming they decided to climb back up. Putting their towels down while laying in the sun. There was a comfortable silence while Emelia read her book when Luca started talking, "Can I ask you something Emelia?"

"You already are but sure," she teased. "Oh quit with the dad jokes. Anyways well you know about my family and me going to the races and stuff." that's right, Luca his grandfather was Mario Andretti an old formula one driver who won a few championships. Not that both of them really cared about the sport. "Of course I do," she shortly thought about Charles again. He was a Ferrari fan, in Italy and well Luca's grandfather used to be a driver. He was raised in Italy and lived there for his entire life. He also was the best friend of Emelia her grandfather. Yet he had family in the US. That's why he raced as an American or something like that. That's where he lives now most of the time.

"Well he invited me to go to Australia next weekend but non of my cousins are going and Lily doesn't have time," Luca explained, "I know you haven't been in a long time and aren't a big fan but it will be so boring if I go alone." Emelia couldn't see how going to Australia would be boring but she got it, he didn't have any interest in the sport but he loves spending time with his grandfather. "I don't know Luca,"

"Emelia what on earth is there to make you question going. Hello, free trip to fucking Australia, we can even add an extra few days after the race." she laughed at her friend, she hadn't thought about it like that. "If you put it like that,"

"I knew it," he yelled "Mick and Max are also gonna be there you know." Luca wiggled his eyebrows which earned a hit from Emelia. She had missed those boys, Luca still saw them frequently at race weekends but Emelia hadn't been in a while. She still spoke to them on the phone and they kept up with each other on social media but she'd be lying if she said she did not miss the racing drivers. She felt a bit guilty sometimes for not attending any races without an obvious reason. She just didn't like how many people got together there, crowding over the drivers and it's just overall the worst place for someone who has anxiety around big crowds.

They spent the rest of their day at the dreamy spot. Emelia told Luca all about the man she met only once while he told her about the week his girlfriend came to visit the US. She was happy that he had found someone who made him smile as much as Lily did.

"I absolutely can't wait to see her again, it's been too long," she gushed about the girl some more, "I sometimes feel you girls like each other more than you like me," they both laughed

"Good, because we do."

author speaking
happy race day lovelies. although it wasn't the best for my ferrari boys i'm not complaining about max and george! hope you enjoy this chapter, social media one is next 💖

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