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''Charles, Cabrón the hottest girl just walked into the motorhome. She is some sort of special guest from Mattia with Mario Andretti,'' Charles groaned he was way too busy this weekend to spend his time shaking hands of some rich girl who he wouldn't even remember the name off. It wasn't that he didn't care but every weekend he does exactly that.

''Come on Carlos what's new, besides I'm a bit more focused on free practice right now.''

Carlos knew how boring shaking hands could be but he thought this girl was super kind and Charles usually wouldn't say no to flirting with a pretty girl. That's when Carlos realised, ''Don't tell me you're still thinking about that girl from Maranello.''

About three weeks ago, just a bit after Bahrein the pair was back in Maranello when Charles was late for a meeting. Carlos had called him and when he arrived he was all giddy and smiley. Charles had apparently spent his entire afternoon talking to a girl in a cafe, he liked flirting but this was different. It had been a while since he had a genuinely interesting conversation with a girl who wasn't interested in him for being an F1 driver.

After that meeting he wasn't able to get her out of his head. The last time he felt like this after meeting someone was with Charlotte, his ex-girlfriend. Charles hoped to go back to the cafe but with his life in Monaco and the race in Saudi, there was no time.

He desperately tried to forget about her, he had met her only once but he couldn't. He told Carlos about this who laughed in his face. Yet he was very happy for Charles, ever since Charlotte, he's been more of a flirt than ever but he noticed Charles missed that security.

There was nothing like coming home after a race and have someone waiting for you, Carlos knew all about that with Isa.

''I want to say I'm not,'' Charles started, ''but that means I'd be lying.''

Carlos laughed at this, ''Cabrón, you will probably never see her again and I mean, how often are we in Maranello.'' Charles knew he was right but he couldn't help it.

''I'll go see Mario after the first session, not like I really have a choice but Mario and his grandson are always nice.''

Carlos chuckled, patting Charles on the shoulder before leaving to his own driver room. The boys had a free practice session to get ready for.

After the first free practice session Emelia got a text from Mick complaining to her how she had been in the paddock the entire day and they still hadn't seen each other. He was right so she asked him if he wanted to grab some lunch together.

''Micky my love,'' she said engulfing the driver she hadn't seen in nearly a year in a tight hug.

"I missed you too Emmy."

"Oh cut it with the Emmy," she complained at the nickname everyone who knew her as a kid still used of some reason. "I am so so happy to see you, big man here in the paddock huh?"

"Well definitely not as big as some of the others, not like Max," Mick Schumacher, modest as ever. Sure Emelia did understand what he had meant. He wasn't in the best car and definitely not setting the best times on the track. Yet she believed that he could be proud for even making it in F1. That's not nothing and definitely did not have anything to do with his name, something Mick was quite insecure about at times.

"I will not have you talk yourself down on my first raceweekend ever. Well the first one with you boys driving."

Mick laughed at the girl, "I can't believe you're actually here. It's so weird how you've never been, I understand well I think but still."

"Yeah, you're right. I should've gone to a race earlier but that's easier said than done. I'm happy Luca made it so easy acces for me, no pressure just a fun vacation," she smiled up at the blonde. "Does this mean you'll come more often?"

"If it all goes well I might," this made Mick smile brightly.

"Well who is this," an unfamiliar voice with a strong accent said, "and why have you not introduced me yet Mick."

The pair turned around to see a tall, quite muscular man standing there. The first thing Emelia noticed about him was his face structure because wow he had a jawline to be jealous off.

"Pierre, hey!" Mick hugged the stranger. She assumed he was working somewhere around here too. Probably a racer because of the team gear he was wearing which wasn't from Haas not Redbull.

"I'm Pierre Gasly, nice to meet you."

Emelia shook his hand hesitantly, "I'm Emelia, hi."

"And how do you know my favourite Haas driver," the man joked making Mick awkwardly chuckle, "girlfriend?"

"Oh no, definitely not it's Mick and I'm very single. Let's say Mick is a close friend, a childhood friend. But I'm here with Mario and Luca Andretti, also friends of mine."

"I want to say ouch for adding the definitely but you're like family so fair game Em," Pierre followed the entire interaction, thanking himself for asking his question because he now knew she was single. "Good because you're way too pretty for Mick anyways."

Emelia laughed at this, "Right and I'm pretty enough for?" the girl paused for a second, "You? Are you planning on referring to yourself?" Pierre looked a bit caught, his cheeks reddening but he laughed at the cheeky response, "You got me there," he started, "can I at least get your instagram?"

"You should be thankful I like a french accent," her mind once again wandered to Charles. Why on earth was she thinking about Charles right now, she spoke to that man once. Literally one time yet for two weeks at moments like these she kept thinking about him. A handsome man was flirting with her and she was thinking about someone else, someone who she knew almost nothing about.

After giving Pierre her instagram, Emelia and Mick said there goodbyes heading over to the Haas hospitality to finally get some lunch.

"My god, a day is never dull with you is it?" Mick had truly missed the girl.


charles mate
hottest girl just gave me her instagram

that should be me-
just kidding good for you mate

yea she's andretti his guest but was walking with mick and i honestly just went for it

coincidence cause carlos told me about her earlier today
since she's with ferrari y'know
but wait
not micks girl right?

no definitely not
gotta admit i also asked though

want to grab some coffee tomorrow morning?

will see you later


author speaking
happy not so happy easter! taylor and joe broke up??? i'm definitely in denial, she did not confirm anything so i'll happily be listening to sweet nothing. no but i hope it isn't true, my fyp on tiktok is so sad rn. anyways hope you do have a lovely easter weekend loves 🫶🏼

also haven't proofread so might be some mistakes in this chapter

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