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You are a beautiful person!

Your flaws doesn't shows any traces of being different with other people. Your flaws enlighten how it is beautiful to love you amongst the field of tulips for you are the rarest. It shows courage in me to run in the meadow just to dance with you. And there is nothing to worries darlin', for my love to you will never changes nor it fades.

Don't be afraid to show off your skin on the whole world. Your skin that flawed you think is, is as luminous as the sun that shines in my eyes. And it isn't your fault that they almost blinded by the translucent skin that sought out the luminous light. What's  flawed in your skin, darlin’? Is it for having a scars or being dark? And so you think you never suit in standard of someone?

Darlin’, don’t listen into the voices residing at your mind. Remember this, “You are a beautiful person. And there is nothing you need to asks for their validation.” When you think life is unfair.

Darlin’, the reason why we’re born imperfect is to see our own beauty by embracing what we think is flawed. The reason why I love you is because I'm willing to show you how beautiful is the world are, as you were scared of seeing its otherside.

“I love you” means your willing to accept someone and to fix those things that breaks you in pieces, embracing your scars. Healing your wounds: as it held the fragments of pasts that brings the pain were it captivated you as its prisoner. And darlin’, in the first place I already did.

And yes, darlin’ I can give you my soul so your half–dead body were you had thrown in the oceans for being flawed will start to see thy beauty that are too profound in you.

I can give you my eyes so then you can see why I’m being fond of your eternal beauty as the standard you were looking are already here; in front of me.

I’m willing to sail my cannoe to find your  lost souls in the depths of oceans and dives to save you with all those inevitable pain that costs you. Darlin’, let me be your knight; in the dark path you've taken just to tell you how I sees and loves you.

And let my mouth and lips utter the words, “How beautiful you are!” that the God gaves me the glimpse of serenity in some of His greatest artworks, and I’m grateful for being the first one to sees how truly fascinating  is your beauty are.

What your are is an art that compelled me of loving you, as I put those pieces back on your skin.


Words I Stashed In The Depths Of OceanWhere stories live. Discover now