◜chapter six◞

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          The two where basically out of the mall when Cassie stopped in her tracks and ultimately stopped Ellie

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The two where basically out of the mall when Cassie stopped in her tracks and ultimately stopped Ellie. The blonde muttered out a string of curses before turning to Ellie, signalling with her head to the door behind them. Ellie nodded, the two girls speed walking back into the mall. As they where half way back to were Riley was when they left, the sound of screaming echoed through the mall making the pair sprint towards it.

Sliding under the shutters, the girls came to a stop when they noticed the screaming was a Halloween decoration screaming and not their friend.

"what the fuck" Ellie swore, Cassie catching Riley's eye. The girl was sat by a glass counter making Cassie nudge Ellie's arm

"surprise" Riley's voice was quiet and raspy, evidence that she had been crying "the fifth wonder, i thought your both like this the best so i saved it for last. I guess that was stupid. Im fucking stupid"

"gimme the book" Ellie muttered as Cassie sat down beside Riley, her legs crossed beneath her. Riley grabbed the book and held it up for Ellie to take. The girl in question slid off her backpack before sitting beside Cassie, sliding the book in her bag "so you leave me, i think your dead and all of a sudden your alive. You give us this night, this amazing fucking night and now your leaving again. Forever. To join some cause i dont even think you understand"

"I think that you dont know everything" Riley replied, leaning slightly to look past Cassie and towards Ellie. Cassie just let them speak it out, not wanting to involve herself. She felt bad, obviously, and she didn't want the girl to leave but it would have hit harder for Ellie. They saw each other everyday up until three weeks prior, Riley would be leaving Ellie completely alone in the hell hole the FEDRA call school until Cassie could go and see her

"you dont know what it was like to have a family. To belong. I didn't have them for long but i had them. I belonged to them and i want that again. Maybe the fireflies aren't what i think they are but they chose me, i matter to them"

"you matter to us too... you mattered to us first" Cassie finally spoke up, her fingers idly fiddling with the strap of her bag

"goddamn it i wanna punch you so bad" Ellie told Riley

"if it makes you both hate me less" Riley responded

"you're sure about this? about leaving?" Ellie asked, Cassie turning her head to look towards said girl

"yeah" Riley said after a longer pause

"your our best friend Riley, we understand you have to do what you have to do but fuck will we miss you" Ellie nodded to Cassie's statement in approval

"well, nights not over yet" Riley pushed herself up from the floor, looking at her best friends with a smile "one last thing?"

When Riley said one last thing, Cassie could have thought of a million things to do but her mind never once thought of dancing on glass counter tops with Halloween masks which is what Riley had got them to do

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When Riley said one last thing, Cassie could have thought of a million things to do but her mind never once thought of dancing on glass counter tops with Halloween masks which is what Riley had got them to do. She had plugged Ellie's Walkman into the store's speakers and blasted music while Ellie wore a wolf mask, Cassie in a Dracula one and Riley with a clown mask.

Riley was the first to start dancing before managing to get Ellie onto the counters, the two girls then helping Cassie up. The trio held hands, standing in an awkward triangle with Cassie more in the middle than at a point, they swayed to the music, span each other around and held each other as they did something Cassie would call a 'dad dance'. Cheesy moves she saw in a film. They sung and danced and jumped around. Cassie had even done a full lap around the oval shaped counters.

It was only when Riley and Ellie where in their elements, dancing around so carelessly when Cassie pulled her mask off, throwing it to the side as she stopped dancing. Her chest heaving from the dancing. When the two other girls realised she had stopped moving (the girl usually being the most excitable and energetic), they followed lead and took their masks off.

"what?" Riley asked as the girl looked towards her

"dont go" Cassie shook her head, speaking in a whisper "stay"

"okay" Riley nodded, her voice in a whisper. Cassie practically threw herself into Riley's arms, pulling the girl she had grown to love like family into a hug. The two shared a small moment, their hearts beating in sync as they pulled Ellie into the cuddle. It was the three of them against the world, forever. The music drowned out their heavy breathing as they stayed in their embrace.

Cassie only wished that they had ended their night together moments earlier, her heart broke whenever she thought back to that night.

Cassie only wished that they had ended their night together moments earlier, her heart broke whenever she thought back to that night

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if you listen closely you can hear the sobs im letting out knowing what im about to write </3

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