How you meet!

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You met him after a mission and he looked sad. You asked whay was wrong and he told you he was sad and he didnt wanna talk about it. Fortunatly you had some spare food on you and he was with 2 others by the names of zenitsu and inosuke. You had already eaten your food so you gave the rest to them thanking them also for protecting innocent people. Tanjiro had noticed you had a bruise cause yknow you fell over. He kept insisting to go to the butterfly manor and sort it out but eventually you convinced him you were fine. You let them stop the night at yours since it wasnt too far,yet to your suprise zenitsu woke you up. You ealked in and saw the 3 maybe 4 talking and zenitsu yelling 'Nezuko-channn'. Since you were very tired you were grumpier then usual. Tanjiro noticed you and waved. "Its like 2 am...why are you not abed zenitsu." . He kept talking about nezuko wich you were guessing was the young looking woman. Eventually you guys slowly became friends.

You were walking around to get some air and suddenly a guy asked you to marry him! You were falttered yet scared. You didnt know him. His red and blakc haired friend ran over and pulled him away from you. Instictivley you grabbed zenitsus arms pulling him to you. The boys were shocked yet zenitsu didnt cry or scream. The red haired boy let go and zenitsu fell on you. You looked very mad at him snd hugged zenitsu saying he just wants a lover and to stop hurting the baby. After that you accompanied zenitsu making sure the red haired boy didnt hurt him again. Then you met the boar man friend and he kept yelling at you to fight him zenitsu stood between you both looking at the boar boy and yelling ay him. He ended up dragging the boar man away and after a few dayd the boar man left you alone wich made you happy!

You met him when he was just a kid and his boar mother just died. A few years later he gad cuts all over him and you saw him luckly you had bandages you bandaged him up even tho he refused that he needed yout help. By accident he slapped you and you started crying causing him to be suprised and it resulted in him and you sleeping next to a tree. Little did you know he kept his arms around you the whole nap keeping you safe.

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