Birthday morning

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Meggy woke up to the sound of a text message on her phone. She saw that Saiko was just parked outside her house. She quietly got out and went down into the living room. She saw Smg4, Tari, Saiko, Luigi, Desti, Axol, Melony, Misty, Largret, Bob, Boopkins, Shroomy, and Kaizo.

Meggy: Thanks for coming this early in the morning, guys.

Smg4: What's so important, Meggy?

Meggy: Today is Mario's birthday. And I want us to throw him a surprise party, and I need your help.

Tari: Sure thing Meggy. What do you need?

Meggy: You guys can help decorate for the party. But first, we need to get Mario out of the house so we can decorate. That's where you come in, Misty. I want you to go out with him. But also, keep him away from the house.

Misty: Okay Mommy. What are you guys gonna do?

Meggy: We'll pretend that we forgot his birthday so he can leave. Then, we'll start decorating.

Tari: Um, Meggy. Don't you think that's kind of mean?

Meggy: Don't worry. I saw this plot work before. It should go according to plan. You guys head home for a bit. I'll call you when he's gone.

Smg4: Alright everyone. See you all later.

The others left, while Misty went into her bedroom to color Mario a birthday card. 2 hours later, Mario woke up and went downstairs. He saw Meggy cooking breakfast.

Mario: (POV) Must be making my birthday breakfast. (Actual talking) Morning honey.

Meggy: Oh. Scared me for a sec.

Mario: Sorry. Anyway, you got any ideas on what we could do today?

Meggy: No, why'd you ask?

Mario: (POV) Did... did she forget? (Out loud) Ne...Never mind.

Meggy: Okay. Go get Misty. Breakfast is almost ready.

Mario: Okay. (Sees Melony) Morning, Pea pod.

Melony: Morning dad.

Mario: You excited for today?

Melony: Why? It's just a regular old Friday.

Mario:(POV) Her too?! (Out loud) N...Never mind. I'll go get Misty.

Melony: (feels bad and walked into the kitchen) Mom, are you sure we're doing the right thing? I feel really bad.

Meggy: Don't worry. This is all part of the plan.

Melony: O...Okay

Upstairs, Misty was just finished with her card. She then heard her door opening.

Mario: Morning sweetie.

Misty: (rushes to give him the card) Happy birthday daddy!!!!

Mario: (picks her up) Aw, thank you, sweetie.

Misty: No problem. (Sniffs) Is that bacon?

Mario: Yep. Let's go downstairs.

The two went downstairs and saw breakfast on the table. After they ate, Meggy had the plan to get Mario out of the house to decorate for his party. Meanwhile, Mario was having issues with inviting his friends over for his birthday.

Mario: What do you mean you can't come over today, Luigi?

Luigi: (Inaudible dialog)

Mario: Well, can't you work on the 4th of July?!

Luigi: (Inaudible dialog)

Mario: Huh, okay.

Luigi (Inaudible dialog)

Mario: Love you too, bro. (Hangs up) Huh. First Meggy and Melony, then Smg4 and Tari, and now Luigi's family. Huh, guess my last resort is the anime duo.

Suddenly, Meggy comes in.

Meggy: Hey Mario. Can you take Misty out for a bit? Me and Melony are gonna spend some home time.

Mario: Sure. Why not. I'll go get her.

After Mario got Misty, the two headed out. After they left, the rest of the Smg4 family went into the house to start decorating for the party.

Meggy: Alright guys. Let's get started!!! Tari, you can help me in the kitchen with the cake.

Tari: On it!

Meggy: Saiko, you're in charge of balloons and streamers. Ask the others to help if they can.

Saiko: got it.

Meggy: Smg4, I need you, Desti, and Shroomy to help in the kitchen.

Smg4/Desti/Shroomy: On it!

Meggy: Alright, let's get to work. Operation: Suprise party!

Happy? Mar10 day (Birthday special)Where stories live. Discover now