B-day Party Pansy

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Back at the kingdom, The gang was preparing the rest of the party. The balloons were tied and blown up, the streamers were hung, and Mario's favorite cake was being made. Red velvet cake with blueberries on top. The group was also organizing several party games. They also had a pinata in the shape of a star. But then, Belle barged into the castle with Smg3 right behind her. The group was confused but glad because they could help.

Smg4: Hey, can you guys hand me one of those thumbtacks?

Smg3: Oh, I'll hand it to ya, alright! I'LL PUT IT THROUGH YOUR GODDAMN RIGHT HAND!!!!

Smg4: Woah, what's wrong?


Everyone else heard that and they were shocked that they knew.

Smg4: What?!

Belle: Mario went to the playground for a little bit with Misty, I told him happy birthday, but then he cried and told me you jackasses FORGOT!!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡 AND NOW YOU'RE HAVING YOUR OWN PARTY WITH BALLOONS, STREAMERS, AND A CAKE THAT SAYS "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Calms down a bit) Mario?!

Meggy: Yeah, didn't Misty tell you?

Kaizo: We were throwing a surprise party for him. We made it seem like we forgot because that's a trend we saw in several cartoons.

Belle: Well, still! Making Mario feel like you forgot his birthday hurt him!!!

Meggy: What?!

Belle: He feels heartbroken over what happened.

Meggy: *Gasp* 🥺 I...I didn't want this to happen! *cries*

Tari: Meggy, it's okay. Belle, we're almost done setting up the party. Can you go get Mario and Misty from the internet graveyard?

Belle: *sigh* Okay. I'll go get him. Ya'll keep 3.

Smg3: WHAT?!

Belle walked back into the internet graveyard and headed to Starbucks.

Meanwhile, at Starbucks, Karen was finished making a special treat for Mario, when suddenly, he and the crew came in.

Mario: Hey Karen.

Karen: Hey Overalls. Happy Birthday, man.

Mario: Thanks, Karen.

Karen: Here, Belle told me that you like red velvet. So, I did that as a cake pop.

Mario: Awesome! thanks, Karen!

Karen: Oh, and here's a hot white chocolate for Misty.

Mario: Thanks. I'll give it to her on the way back.

After the gang returned to the cabin, they saw Misty crying in Belle's arms.

Belle: Where were you guys?! Misty woke up and thought you abandoned her!!!

Mario: We went to Starbucks. We thought she would still be asleep when we got back. I...I'm really sorry Baby.

Misty: *sniff* It's okay, Daddy. (Dries up tears) What's that?

Mario: A red velvet cake pop. Oh, Karen also got you hot white chocolate.

Misty: Yay!!! (Rushes up and grabs it) Thanks, Daddy!

Mario: Hehe... anyway, where's 3?

Belle: He's at your house. You wanna go there?

Mario: *sigh* Sure.

Happy? Mar10 day (Birthday special)Where stories live. Discover now