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The group headed into the house, but all of the lights were off.

Mario: Hey, what's going on?!

Mario turned on the lights and saw his friends all having party hats.


Mario was starting to cry tears of joy because he then realized that his friends didn't forget his birthday after all. He then ran up to and hugged his family.


Meggy: Hehe... We're sorry for hurting your feelings, Cherry berry.

Mario: It's okay. Now I know you didn't mean it.

Misty: *starts giggling*

Mario: I think I know what that giggle is about. You clever little trickster!

Misty: Happy birthday daddy!!!

Mario: Thanks, you guys.

Meggy: No problem, sweetie.

Mario: What are we waiting for?! LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!

After the party, Mario was opening presents from all of his friends. He started with Smg4. He opened it and got... a beeg Smg4 plushy with his clothes on.

Mario: Woah! Thanks, Glitchy.

Smg4: Haha, no problem, buddy.

  Tari:(Hands over her gift) here's my present, Mario.

Mario opened it and saw... a red and blue video game controller.

Mario: Woah! THIS IS AWESOME!!! Thanks, Tari!!!

Tari: Hehe... You're welcome.

Saiko:(Hands over her gift) Here Mario. This one was from me and Kaizo.

Mario opened it and saw... a copy of heart attack by saikosis.

Mario: A copy of our song!!! Thanks, Saiko and Kaizo.

Kaizo: Hey, no problem, paisano san!

Luigi: Desti and I picked this one out.

Luigi handed over his and Desti's gift. Mario opened it up and got... a Nintendo 64!!!

Mario: A Nintendo 64?! Luigi, where did you get this?!

Luigi: I told Miyamoto about how I needed a present before the party, so he let me have one of these.

Mario: (hugs him and Desti) Thank you guys so much!!!

Desti: No problem, big M.

Bob: Here, me and Boopkins got you this one.

Mario: Okay. Now I'm nervous.

Mario opened the gift box and got... a copy of the Pokémon anime.

Mario: Hey! The Pokémon anime!!! Thanks, guys.

Boopkins: We found that while we were shopping at anime r us. We know you love the Pokémon anime, so we got that.

Melony: Here dad. This one is from me.

Mario opened it up and got... Super Mario Rabbids: Sparks of hope!

Mario: No way! I thought these copies sold out for good.

Melony: Nope. I got a copy before they sold out. I was gonna play it. But I decided to give it to you as a gift.

Mario: Aw, thank you, sweetie. We can play it together later.

Melony sat down and hugged her father. The last one with a gift was Meggy. She handed Mario a big gift. Mario opened it up and found... a Meggy plush, chonk, and Meggy's summer vibe t-shirt. Mario's heart began to melt.

Mario: Merch for my smol bean!!!! Thank you so much, Orangeling!!!

Meggy: Hehe, you're welcome, Cherry berry.

The two lovers then began to kiss.

Everyone else: Aww 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹.

Mario: Okay Okay. Let's rock that piñatas world!!!

Saiko: Actually, we've got two piñatas.

Mario: oh, okay. I'm more pumped now!

Meggy:Bring in the other piñata!

Bob and Desti walk into the room with Toad tied up in a rope, screaming his lungs off.

Mario: OOOOOOOH!!!

Toad: Mario, please.

Mario: Sorry not Sorry, Toad. Piñatas a piñata. (Starts swinging the bat)


Mario hits Toad right in the PINGAS!

Mario: Did I get him? (he's blindfolded)

Saiko: 😖😆 *laughing* YEAH! You got him Alright.

Mario: 😶😶😶😶

Meggy: Alright, on to the real piñata.

Mario: Alright, kids, have at it.

The order of the kids was Largret, Jubjub, Boopkins, Misty, and Melony. Each was able to do decent damage to the piñata, but then Misty broke it.

Misty: Yay! I did it!!!

Everyone else: *cheering*

After the party, and everyone else left, the MxM family was busy playing Super Mario Rabbids: Sparks of hope.

Misty: Did you enjoy your birthday, Daddy?

Mario: Heh, I always enjoy my birthday when I'm with you guys, Misty.

Melony: We love you too, Dad.

Meggy: Hey Red. Could you come into the bedroom with me for a bit?

Mario: Um, okay.

Melony: (POV) Why the bedro-oh my god. 😳

(Happy Mar10 day!!!)

Happy? Mar10 day (Birthday special)Where stories live. Discover now