Unhappy Birthday.

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Meanwhile, Mario and Misty were walking around town, where things were pretty normal for the time being. Then, Misty spotted an ice cream cart.

Misty: OOOOH! Daddy, can we get ice cream?! Please 🥺🥺🥺

Mario: *sigh* Sure sweetie. Vanilla or strawberry?

Misty: Strawberry.

Mario: Alright. I'll get myself cookies and cream.

After Mario paid for their ice cream, they headed to the playground for a little bit. Suddenly, Misty saw someone she knew very well. It was Belle Frontiere.

Misty: Aunty Belle.

Belle: (stops looking at her phone and sees Misty) Misty!

After the two hugged, Mario came over to see one of his closest friends.

Mario: *Gasping for air* Hey... Belle.

Belle: Hey Mario. Happy birthday, Man!

Mario then heard this and began sniffling up. He then hugged his close friend with tears in his eyes.

Mario: Thanks, Belle! Thank you so much!!!

Belle noticed Mario's heartbreak.

Belle: Hey, what's wrong?

Mario: Everyone else forgot my birthday. Even Meggy and Melony.

Belle: what?! (POV) WTF WERE THEY THINKING?! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 (Out loud) It's okay Mario. The snitch productions crew didn't forget. You can come to celebrate with us.

Mario: O...Okay.

Misty:(POV) Crap!!! Hopefully, this doesn't take a wrong turn.

Belle took Mario and Misty to Smg3s house in the internet graveyard. Where things were more peaceful than normal, much to Mario's surprise.

Mario: Wow, the place has gotten a lot more civilized than last time.

Belle: Yeah. We've taken over and made the place better after the death of the ancient memes.

Mario: Oh. C'mon! Let's head to Smg3's.

The trio headed over to Smg3s house and saw Rob, Jubjub, Whimpu, Smg3, and several new faces. (STRAIGHT FROM META RUNNER) Lamar, Marco, Theo, Sofia, Masa, Bo, Satsuki-Chan, Lucinia, and Evelyn.

(Editors note: Yes, I know Evelyn is a villain, but in my au, she betrayed TAScorp after seeing how cold and twisted it was.)

Belle: What's going on guys?

Theo: Hiya Belle! So good to see you again!

Belle: Good to see you too, Theo. (Looks at Smg3) Hey 3, I brought some guests.

Smg3: Oh boy. As if the house couldn't get more crowded. 😑

Mario and Misty walked in.

Mario: What's good, Snitchy?!

Smg3: Oh, Hey Mario! Happy birthday, dude!

Mario: Heh, thanks, 3.

Rob: What brings you here, my friend?

Belle: I'll tell you guys later. For right now, Mario, meet team meta runner. These guys are some friends of Mine and Tari.

Mario: Nice to meet you guys.

Bo: Nice to meet you too, Mario Jumpman Mario. Belle told us about you. She says that you were the reason why Smg3 and she were full-on good guys.

Mario: Yeah, kinda.

Rob: Hey, Mario. Here's a present from me for your birthday, pal.

Mario: (Takes the present) thanks, Rob. (Opens it and finds popcorn.) Popcorn. Thanks, Rob.

Rob: No problem. It's also your favorite flavor. Cherry and Blue raspberry.

Mario: Hehe... I'll share it with Meggy and Melony when we get home.

Whimpu: This gift's from me, Mario! Here ya go!

Mario: Thanks Whimpu (Opens it and finds... MHA collectible cards.) Woah! Thanks, Whimpu!

Whimpu: Jubjub suggested it since you like My Hero Academia.

Mario: Awesome! Thanks, you guys.

Belle: Here's my gift.

Mario opened it and saw... Robo gauntlets.

Mario: Nice! These will come in handy when I need to use my fire.

Belle: They'll also help increase your striking power, Crimson star.

Mario and Misty: WHAT?!

Smg3: Yeah, we know you're the crimson star.

Mario: How?!

Belle: Belle: We have maybe seen your costume when we had that sleepover.

Mario: Oh. Anyway, thanks for the gauntlets, Belle. These will come in handy.

Belle: No problem, Mario. Now, 3 has a gift as well.

Smg3: (Hands Mario a box) Here ya go, Mario.

Mario opened the box and found... a medallion that said... world's greatest friend. Mario suddenly began crying tears of joy because he was touched by this.

Mario: Thank you so much, 3. (Rushes up to hug him)

Smg3: Hey, no problem, Mario.

Belle: Hey, Mario, why don't you get introduced to the meta runner crew? I need to talk to these 4.

Mario: Okie dokie.

Belle pushed the others into another room, which understandably confused them.

Smg3: What is this about?

Belle: The others forgot about Mario's birthday!!!!

Smg3/Jubjub/Whimpu/Rob: WHAT?!

Smg3: WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Belle: I honestly don't know, but I am going to find out. Rob, does Karen have Mario's birthday shake ready?!

Rob: I just called ten minutes earlier, she's letting it chill right now.

Belle: Alright. C'mon, 3B, we're going to the mushroom kingdom! You 3 try and cheer Mario up! OR ELSE!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

(Editors note: Belle doesn't like Mario. She and Smg3 see him as a brother.)

Rob/Jubjub/Whimpu: MA'AM! YES, MA'AM!!! T 😨😨😨

Belle and Smg3 left while Mario was getting to know the meta runner crew. Suddenly, the boys walked into the house to see Mario.

Rob: Hey Mario. Could you come with us to Starbucks for a sec?

Mario: Oh, sure thing. Let me go get Misty.

Lucinia: Don't need to. Sofia put her down for a nap.

Lamar: Alright, we'll head out when Sofia comes back.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and Sofia was just standing there... MENACINGLY!!! (JK lol)

Sofia: C'mon, let's roll.

Mario: How did you do that? You were putting Misty down for a nap!

Sofia: Meta runner. We're known for speed.

Mario: Oh, right. Alright, let's head to Starbucks!

Everyone else: Yeah!!!/Whoo!!!/Alright!!!/Hell YEAH!!!

Happy? Mar10 day (Birthday special)Where stories live. Discover now