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The next day—Thursday, and therefore a school day—to Eleven's surprise, Max isn't the only one talking to her. No, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Mike also greet her and even invite her to sit with them during recess.

   "Are you okay with that?" Max asks her as they head to the cafeteria.

   "Yes," she replies, and she feels a comforting warmth in her chest as she realizes it's the truth.

   Max's smile only reinforces this beautiful sensation.


"WHAT?!" Mike and Dustin exclaim at Eleven's sheepish admission.

   Max lets out a weak 'wow' while Lucas and Will gape at her.

   "You seriously haven't watched Ghostbusters?" insists Lucas with an incredulous tone; to him, the prospect is obviously unheard of.

   "But it's totally tubular!" It is Dustin who speaks, also shocked.

   "No...?" Eleven repeats, confusion evident in her voice. "I don't watch a lot of TV..."

   This time, everyone seems to be holding back the urge to scream.

   "Jane," Mike calls her, "this movie came to theaters just a few months ago, in June, not on TV, didn't you know?"

   Eleven shoots Max a look. Her friend, however, isn't much help—even she seems to have trouble accepting that Eleven has no idea what they're talking about.

   "I..." Eleven bites her lower lip and fixes her gaze on her lap.

   However, before she can continue, she feels a hand on her shoulder. "Hey." Mike, once again. "Don't be sad. You took us by surprise, that's all. But I'm sure they'll release it on VHS soon... And when they do, how about we have a movie night and we all watch it together?"

   Eleven watches Mike's placid expression and feels the tension gradually leave her body.

   "I'd... like that very much," she agrees with an uncertain smile.


   As Lucas, Dustin, and Max speculate on a possible video release date for the film and Mike describes to Eleven just how great the movie is and how much she will surely love it, Will remains silent.

   His eyes, fixated on Mike's hand on Eleven's shoulder.

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