Injured and Angsty* | Stiles

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"Ow...ow...ow...ow, motherfuck—shit."

You feel your eyes roll as you help the dramatic and rather needy patient settle onto your bed. "Baby, I told you to stay home—"

"Yeah, and I said no fucking way," Stiles retorts quickly, huffing a stray hair from his eye before flopping onto the mattress. "See? I'm fine."

You release him and step back, arms crossing as you offer a teasing scowl. "Right. A wrist brace and an angry letter from Coach are a clear indication of you being fine."

To this, he waves his right arm into the air, the dark bandage wrapped around his hand not as intimidating as he had made it out to be. "It's just a sprain, okay? Not a big deal."

"Yeah, okay. Is that why you were crying?"

His expression falls. "I was not crying. I was just disappointed for my team 'cause they're gonna miss me."

"Uh-huh. So, what's with all the ow-ing?"

He blinks. "I wasn't ow-ing, I was just...I said wow. You know, like wow, get a load of that ass."

You so badly want to scoff at him, but you feel the flush in your cheeks as he smirks victoriously, reaching his good hand out to loop around your hip and pull you onto the bed.

He noses under your jaw, lips ghosting just below your ear as you feel your breath hitch. "Missed you," he murmurs softly, his mischievous intentions now abundantly clear. "Did you miss me?"

Your lashes fall shut as his mouth travels down the curve of your throat. "Did I miss the constant bad jokes and sarcasm? No. No, can't quite say that I—"

His teeth find your skin, pulling deviously as you gasp. You feel him grin to himself as his fingers slip beneath the hem of your top and for just a moment, you forget why you were so peeved with him in the first place.

"What was that?" he asks when you whimper at the practiced way his palm sweeps across your hip. "Did you say something?"

" isn't..." You aren't making any sense and you're so furious with yourself for letting him distract you like this. "Stiles...Stiles—"

"Yes, Princess?"

You swallow. He's a sadistic prick for using the one nickname you can't help but fold to. "Don't."

"Don't what?" His head rolls, tongue traveling up your pulse point as his hand moves up toward your chest. "Isn't this what you wanted? Isn't this why you called me over?"

Your fingers scratch down the soft brown hairs at the nape of his neck, knees deep in the mattress to brace yourself as you straddle his waist. "No, I...I called you over so I I could take care of you—"

"You are," he nearly purrs. "Promise you are. Always take care of me. Make me better. S'making me better right now. To feel you. To hear you—"


"What? Don't you want me to get better?" The rough pad of his thumb brushes over your nipple as you swallow a gasp. "Hm?"

"I..." You exhale a shaky breath despite yourself, working desperately to find a response. "You...I just—"

"Words, Princess."

But you don't have any words. You don't even have any thoughts in your head as you feel his touch travel down your stomach and toward your sweatpants, slipping beneath so casually that you could be fooled into thinking this was always his plan. be fair, it probably was.

"Stiles," you try again, a strained whisper as you bury your face in his neck. "Please..."

You hear him chuckle. Feel it, too. And you'd roll your eyes if it were any other moment, but he knows you. And he knows exactly how to play you like a fucking violin. You're nothing but his toy and this is proven when he leans back to meet your eye.

"Say it," he demands, fingers still just below your belly button. So close yet infuriatingly far. "Say it...and I'm all yours."

You roll your lips into your mouth, your brain fighting your body on what it wants versus what it needs. "You...thought you were meeting Scott—"

"He can wait."

You swallow a whine at the resolution in his voice. His determination to put you first. "You need to rest. You need to get better—"

"I am." He leans closer, eyes falling to your mouth as you struggle to remain indifferent. "This is how I get better."


"What?" He pulls his lip between his teeth to suppress his smirk. "Come on, Princess. Thought you wanted to take care of me. Yeah?"

Your eyes close as you nod faintly, his nose brushing yours as your walls begin to fall. You know the rest of the group is waiting for him. Know the doctor told him to take it easy. Know that he has plenty of other things to do besides you.

And yet knowing does absolutely nothing to stop you from grinding down into his touch.

He murmurs something under his breath you don't catch. But it sounds desperate and excited and your stomach churns.

"Say it," he whispers again. "Say it, baby, come on. Please say it."

Your chest begins to heave. Your dad will be home in half an hour, and he already forbid you from seeing Stiles once and you don't imagine you want him to do it again and you really need to get off of him and take him home and tell Scott he's on his way and tell his dad that he's okay and make sure Coach isn't too upset and—

"I need you," you hear yourself say before you can stop it. "Please...please, Stiles. I just...I need—"

He kisses you. Finally, and fervently, and it's everything you've wanted since the moment he climbed through your window fifteen minutes ago and crashed to the floor.

And he's everywhere. You know nothing else but him and his fingers and his touch as he makes your cunt his personal plaything. As he tastes you, as he talks to you, as he lays you down on your stomach so he can ruin you from behind.

And with your face buried into the pillow and his tongue buried in you, you realize maybe he was right.

He makes you better, too.

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