Staying Out of Trouble* | Richie

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"You again."

The deep, salacious purr slips over your shoulder as you feel a warm chest press against your back.

You recognize the voice. The accent. The smell of his cologne, and the incessant need to seek you out just to intimidate you.

You don't want to feel intimidated by him, but just can't help it. Because despite Francis's warnings, Richie has always had this...ability. This effortless talent to draw in the attention of everyone in the room.

Maybe it's because they know he's the son of one of the most dangerous mobsters in Chicago, or maybe it's just his charm.

Either way, he certainly always has your attention.

"Richie," you greet, willing yourself to sound uninterested. "You're early."

You catch his nonchalant shrug out of your peripheral as he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve a cigarette. "Or maybe your brother is just late."

"He's in another meeting," you explain, glancing back just in time to watch him light the object between his fingers. "He'll be here soon."

He takes a long, slow drag, eyes falling over your face before he exhales the smoke from his mouth and tsks, "Not soon enough."

With that, he brushes past you and further into the warehouse, leaving you to stare at his back.

"Let me guess," he calls over his shoulder, removing his hat and tossing onto a nearby table. "He's with my pops."

You straighten up, taking note of the slight edge woven between each word. "Yes."

Richie chuckles. A dark, almost sarcastic sound. "Of fucking course. Always. S'always fucking Francis, isn't it?"

You don't really know what to say to that, but you suppose it's more of a rhetorical question as he suddenly spins around to look at you.

"And let me guess..." he says again, now taking a deliberate step toward you just to watch your lashes flutter. "They sent keep an eye on me."

You go deathly still as he begins to approach. You don't want him to know he's right, but you suppose he's smart enough to have figured it out.

Francis didn't think he would. In fact, nobody suspects Richie of being sharp enough to do anything.

You don't know him very well, but even you can see that that's an unfair assumption.

"They sent you..." he continues, head cocking as he studies you, "to keep me out of trouble."

He's closer now. Much closer and your heart begins to race as the light catches the golden hue in his eyes.

You open your mouth, ready to respond, but find that you have nothing to say. What can you say? You can't lie to him. He'd surely have you hung if he found out.

So, you go with Plan B. "They did," you agree, breath hitching as you anxiously await his reaction.

He's quiet for a moment, regarding you with what looks to be amusement as his tongue comes out to wet his bottom lip. "Yeah? You gonna keep me out of trouble?"

Again, you have nothing to offer him. No quippy remark, no argument—nothing.

And you want to berate yourself for the way you've gone so soft but there's something...about him. Some shift in his demeanor that's caught you off guard.

Francis has made comments about Richie for years. Calling him spoiled, weak, a waste of goddamn hair.

He's painted him to be this narcissistic monster with no charisma or soul.

But the man not the man your brother described.

This Richie is...well, breath-taking.

And he's looking at you like you're the only thing he sees. And perhaps that's all part of some act, but...for right choose to believe it's real.

His hand lifts, long fingers finding your jaw as he follows the sharp curve to your chin. Then, he takes hold and tilts your head up.

"I asked you a question, mama," he murmurs, and you swallow.

"I don't think I could ever keep you out of trouble," you answer honestly, and you're rewarded with a proud smirk.

"Is that right?" he hums, letting his thumb ghost over your bottom lip. "Well...maybe a little trouble is exactly what I need."

You straighten up. "Yeah? And what makes you think you could handle it?"

His palm instantly moves back to your jaw as he squeezes—hard. "Better watching your fucking tone, honey."

"Yeah? Or what, Rich?" you retort, offering him a small but incredibly smug smile. "Hm? What are you gonna do without your little henchmen?"

He hesitates for no more than a second before he's tossing his cigarette aside to grab onto both your hips and shove you back against the nearest support beam.

You gasp to hide an excited whine, the wind nearly knocked from your lungs at the force of his aggression.

His palm comes up to your throat, fingers tapping your pulse point as he squeezes just hard enough to make your head spin. "Say it again."

You squirm, a needy pit growing in your stomach at the devious expression on his face. In his voice. His touch.

"Say it," he hisses, lips dangerously close to your own. Taunting you with a taste. "Or beg me to prove you wrong."

You're practically panting, hands finding his shirt to clutch onto the material and urge him closer. "Rich..."

"What?" His head cocks, mouth once again dancing up in a condescending grin. "What, mama? What do you need?"

His fist snaps closed around your throat as you inhale sharply, your lashes fluttering until he's satisfied with your reaction, and loosens his grip again.

"You," you whisper, but it's teetering on the edge of a whimper. "You, Rich...please—"

He kisses you, quickly, and fervently. And it's full of unspoken desire and need, his tongue tangling with yours as you just about slide down the beam.

"Nuh-uh," he growls, using the hand on your hip to force you back up. "Not going anywhere, sugar. Gonna stay right here. Where I can ruin you."

And maybe you know better. Maybe you know Francis would never forgive you. Maybe you know that you're only a pawn in the game Richie is so desperately trying to play.

But maybe you just don't give a shit.

"Hurry," you murmur, head falling back as he kisses down your throat. "They're gonna be here soon. He'll kill you if he knows."

Richie's arrogant reaction is obvious to you even without being able to see his face. "And who says I fucking care, hm?"

With that, he moves to your dress, bunching the excessive material up so he can slip underneath and find you.

His fingers drag deliberately slow along the band of your underwear. And when he dips down to tease your clit over the fabric, you gasp again and straighten up onto your tiptoes.

He laughs, too pleased with himself for making you fall apart so easily.

He was right. He could ruin you. He's going to ruin you.

And perhaps that'll come back to bite you in the ass tomorrow.

But for right now...

You wouldn't have it any other way.

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