Always* | Stiles Stilinski x Spencer Reid

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"You got her?"

"Yeah. S'all right darling. Take a deep breath for me, okay? That's it, that's my girl. Just like that."

Your lashes can't help but flutter as the weight of your submissive headspace begins to overwhelm you.

Your hands grip onto Stiles's shoulders as he steadies you, your forehead meeting his chest to keep from falling over altogether. Not that you really could with Spencer right behind you, his hands on your hips to keep you exactly where he wants.

You're vaguely aware of the conversation they're having. Vaguely aware of the way Stiles pulls your thighs further open so he can continue his focused thrusts. Rhythmically meeting Spencer's as they work to bring you to your third orgasm of the afternoon.

"She still with us?" Spencer asks, pressing his lips to the top of your spine before murmuring, "Easy, sweetheart. You're okay."

"Think she's starting to feel a bit floaty. Aren't you, darling?" Stiles replies, nose nudging the top of your head. "Did daddies lose you?"

You make some sort of noise that you thought was a response but sounds more like an injured whimper.

Spencer squeezes your hip in his large hand, reaching around to kiss your cheek as his movements slow. "That's okay, honey. Don't have to fight it. We've got you, it's all right. Being so good for us, aren't you? Taking it so well. Our good girl."

Our. The singular word alone makes your stomach flip as you scratch your nails down Stiles's naked chest. Clinging to his tan skin as if you're moments from disappearing completely.

You hear him (and feel him) chuckle as he smooths his palms up your thighs and toward your chest. "Look so pretty full of our cocks. Pretty little tears down your gonna give us another one, honey? Gonna come with us? Gonna give Spence a show?"

You nod eagerly at the proposition, head rolling so you can look down at where Stiles is disappearing into you.

You're slightly sore from the position they've been holding you in for quite some time. All three of you on your knees atop the bed as they pound into you at a relentless yet still somehow tender pace.

You're not sure what's gotten them so worked up today. You assumed it had something to do with a case at work the moment Spencer walked through the door, yanked you from the sofa, and shoved his tongue into your mouth. But you didn't ask any questions. You just wanted to help them feel better.

Although, truthfully, you imagine you're the only one benefiting from such amorous activities as you approach your third orgasm. They've done nothing but tease and coddle you since they began. Playing with your tits, making out with your pussy, edging you toward the brink of ecstasy at least four times before finally letting you have it.

Perhaps if you were in your right mind, you would wonder if they were trying to get you to fall into your subspace. Not that you would have fought it. It's rare the three of you get to just...exist in such a vulnerable place. You like being here with them. Just like this. Safe and warm and so fucking full.

"She's close," Stiles murmurs to the man behind you before he reaches for his hand, and brings it over to your clit. "Can you give daddies one more? One more, darling, and we'll be so proud. Always so proud of our girl, come on."

You bask in their praise but can't help squirming as Spencer's fingers begin to toy with your swollen and slightly abused cunt. You know he's only trying to help but you're so sensitive, and you mewl desperately as he pinches it tight.

"Did Daddy hurt you?" you hear him murmur, lips trailing the shell of your ear as you swallow. "M'sorry, honey. Just wanna feel you come for us. But Daddy will be gentle, I promise."

"It's okay," you whisper in response, already succumbing to his wish. "Wanna make you happy."

"You do, sweet girl," Stiles says now, kissing your bottom lip. "Always make us happy. Couldn't wait to come home to you."

"Did you miss us?" Spencer asks, rolling his hips into your ass as you're stretched just a bit more for him. "Miss being our good little pet?"

You nod as you whimper, body feeling sluggish under the strain of your submissive mind.

"Know you did, sweetie," Stiles coos, hand coming up to your throat as he gives it a gentle but pointed squeeze. "We're here now. Aren't we?"

Spencer hums. "Always."

You don't get the chance to warn them as your cunt begins to clench down, walls fluttering, legs shaking, and eyes rolling back.

This one almost hurts. Hurts because it feels so good, and it's so overdue and so needed. And it's filled with love and come as Spencer is the next to follow.

And seeing you both your releases drip down your thighs as the room fills with such beautiful sounds forces Stiles to join in.

The three of you are lost in the pleasure and the pain and the everything in between as you're stuffed full. Until you're forced to fall back into Spencer's chest as he wraps an arm around your middle to keep you upright.

At some point, the three of you collapse and settle as you catch your breath. You're not quite sure when or how it happened but you don't fight it. You let them bury themselves in your arms and legs and neck as they hold on. As they breathe you in and sing their praises.

"Such a good girl."

"Look so fucking pretty like this. Sweet little pussy dripping with our come."

"Won't leave you so long again. Promise."

"Come on, darling. Let's clean you up."

You whine and attempt to bargain for a few more moments of cuddles, but they only shoot you a stern look and carry you to the tub.

You're pouting the moment your feet hit the water, disappointed to wash them from your body. You like seeing the aftermath. Like getting to revel in that post-orgasm glow as the sticky substance reminds you of how much they care for you.

Stiles places you between his legs while Spencer takes a seat in front of you. You have to giggle as they work to get situated. Despite having a larger-than-average tub, the two men take up a lot of space. Their long, gangly legs struggling to find a place to go while still keeping you comfortable.

But, eventually, they find a good position, and you allow the warm water to coax you back.

Your eyes fall shut as Stiles trickles some water down your chest. Spencer devotes his time to lathering up a loofa and gently guiding it up and down your legs. They clean you, and they speak in hushed voices, and they remind you how much they love you.

And once you feel safe enough to return, you take hold of Stiles's hand, and give it a squeeze. "Thank you."

Stiles and Spencer exchange a knowing smile before Stiles presses his lips to your temple and whispers,


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