Tell Me a Secret | Stiles

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"Okay, one more. One more."

Stiles groans as he tosses an arm over his eyes in a playful attempt to hide from your invasive line of questioning. "God, fine. Go."

"Okay." You sit up a little higher in bed. "Okay, if Lydia is riding you...and somebody dies...and she screams...I're dead, right? Like boom. Face melted and just...dead."

His arm drops as he rolls his head over to look at you. " God—"

"Am I wrong?" you argue. "No, because I was thinking about it—don't look at me like that—I was thinking because...I mean, even a gag wouldn't help, right? Cause if she screamed, it would just be...disintegrated. Right?"

He blinks at you, lips dancing with the idea of smiling. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, I'm dead fucking serious," you correct, expression firm. "No, honestly, I've always wondered this. Because...I mean like, a sex scream is definitely different from a banshee scream, right? 'Cause it only applies to death. And not like, 'Oh, you murdered this pussy,' kind of death. But like...dead people death, right?"

He blinks at you, doing his absolute best not to laugh.

"So, if you're anywhere near her when it happens...and she has to scream—cause she can't stop it—I you'd be dead. I mean...right?"

With an amused sigh, he rolls his lips into his mouth. "I don't know. I guess? We never really...I mean that was never really a problem."

"Right, right. Cause she was more worried about killing you in a car." You nod as his eyes roll. "Feel like the sex-scream would be a lot more troubling, but whatever. Okay, next question."

He groans and flops over onto the other side of the bed.

"So...Malia, right? Like she's the one that introduced you to bondage, I'm assuming," you begin, scooting closer despite his protests. "How did that...I mean, how would that have worked exactly? Like were you into tying her up, was she into tying you up...cause I saw the rope and handcuffs, so you can't tell me that wasn't a thing—"

Suddenly, just before you can even finish your train of thought, he's flipping back over and lunging at you.

You have about two seconds to catch your breath before he's managed to wrangle you onto your back as he straddles your waist.

Instantly, a breath catches in your throat as he smirks down at you, his large hand smoothing up your neck to capture your jaw in his palm.

"Are you done?" he murmurs, slowly dipping down to bring himself closer to you. "Because...I don't want to think about them right now. In fact, I don't even want you to think about them. I just want"

The tip of his button nose brushes against yours as your lashes flutter. "I'm just confused...about...the logistics," you pant faintly as he grins.

"Doesn't matter," he says firmly. "Only thing that matters is you. Us." He leans back to catch your eye. "Yeah?"

You nod quickly.

"Good," he whispers, head tilting until his lips can ghost over yours, sadistically teasing you with a kiss. "'Cause I've got something I wanna show you tomorrow."

You perk up, fingers mindlessly tangling in his white sleep shirt. "Oh? What?"

Now, he moves to your cheek, mouth trailing along your feverish skin as you swallow a whine. "You always wanted to see Eichen House, yeah?"

Your eyes widen.

"Well, they're tearing it down in a couple of weeks," he continues, taking note of your excitement. "Thought we'd give it one last look."

You gasp as you push on his chest until you can fully see his face. "Wait, really? You'll take me? Actually?"

Stiles nods, and you feel your heart leap into your throat. Eichen House (and Beacon Hills in general, for that matter) has always been a sore spot between the two of you.

He likes to keep you safe in this part of his life. He likes who he is now.

With you.

And the idea of introducing you to how things used to he used to be...

He was sure you'd never be able to look at him the same.

You'd done your best to assure him that you didn't care about his life before. Because everybody has a past, and that's not something he can change.

It's nothing something you want him to change.

You love this Stiles. You always will.

He hadn't seemed too convinced before.

But now, it looks like your nagging has finally done you some good.

You throw your arms around his neck to pull him down in a grateful kiss as he exhales a laugh and slides his hand down your side.

"I can't wait," you murmur, pressing your lips to his bottom one. "It's not gonna change anything between us, you know."

"I know." He's quiet. Reluctant, even.

You know how much of himself he has to be fighting just to give this to you.

So, you decide to take his mind off it.

After all, it's the least you can do.

"And once we're there, you can show me all the places you and Malia did it," you add eagerly, and you're rewarded with the sound of his annoyed groan.

"Oh, that's it," he declares, wrapping an arm around your back to roll you both over to the other side of the bed.

And you're more than okay with that.

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