chapter 1: Summer

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It was finally the first day of summer. We where all now in the Twinkie, on our way to John Bs house. We're on our way back from school, our last day. Sarah sat up in the front next to her boyfriend John B, my brother. I actually enjoy them together, my best friend and brother..isn't that bad. Pope and JJ had a stupid conversation as I sat next to Kiara. "Okay so are you and Sarah sleeping over my house or are we sleeping at Sarah's?" Kiara asks.

"Let's go over my house, Wheezie wants to see you two" Sarah says. "I miss Wheezie, I haven't been over in so long" I say. "I know almost a year right? We're always at your house" Sarah mentions. "That's the last time I saw Wheezie" I say. "What about Rafe?" Kiara asks. "I seen Rafe at some party like 2 months ago, but he didn't see me" I say. "I hate Rafe" JJ mentions.

"Why?" Sarah asks looking back at us. "Because he's weird"

"No because last time he tried to get with y/n and you didn't like it" pope says. "Alright pope man no need to expose me" JJ says rolling his eyes.

"That was a year ago, Rafe doesn't like me anymore, I'm pretty sure" I say. "Actually Rafe always asks me how you're doing" Sarah chuckles.

"Ew" Kie comments. "Alright enough guy talk, I hate hearing about guys liking my sister" John B says. "Shut up" I comment. He turns up the radio as 'left hand tree' was playing.

LATER, 6:32 PM:

I was laying in bed on my phone. The guys where outside. Kie was home, and so was Sarah. Kiara and I, are sleeping at Sarah's. I'm actually pretty excited. Sarah's house is huge. I used to go over her house a lot, I was the only pouge her and kies family liked. I'm very appreciative of that. I always felt so welcomed going over Sarah's, even though Rafe would stare at me like he's in love, but that was like a year ago.

Ward, Sarah's dad knows John B, John B works for Sarah's dad ward. Ward is like king kook, he knows everyone in town. He's a great man. (not)

I get up from bed looking at the time. "Sh*t I gotta go to Sarah's"

I grab my duffel bag, packing clothes and etc for her house.

After a little while I was packed. I put my airforces on, sprayed fresh perfume on me, fixed my hair and grabbed my phone. I left the Château seeing the guys on the hammock talking. "Hey guys I'm heading to Sarah's, see y'all tomorrow!" I yelled. "Come give bird a hug" JJ says, referring to John B. I roll my eyes. "Stop calling me that dude" jb says flicking JJ.

I walk over to them, giving Jb a hug, then Pope, lastly JJ. "She gave me a hug guys!" He says sarcastically fangirling. I laugh walking to my bike, I get on my bike, going to Sarah's.

I soon got to Sarah's parking my bike at the front. It felt so weird being here, I haven't slept over or came over in awhile because of school and since we're always hanging at me and jbs house.

I ring the doorbell waiting for a answer. Soon the door opens..revealing Rafe. "Y/N?" He asks confused. "Hey" I say with a smile. "I haven't seen you in awhile, how are you doing?" He smiles, he leans in with a hug.

"I'm great, you?"

"I'm better now" he smiles. I chuckle. That's when Sarah comes up to the door. "Ew Rafe don't start, come on, kies here already" she says grabbing my hand. She drags me upstairs, as I looked back at Rafe, seeing him closing the door looking back at me. I shook my head hiding my smile.

I went into Sarah's room seeing Kie on the bed.

"Okay so Rose is making dinner right now so it should be done soon"she says. "Thank god, rose makes the best food" I say sitting on Sarah's bed. "Right" Kie agrees. Sarah chuckles, sitting on the bed as well.

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