Chapter 14: The Notebook

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I paced around the room, completely terrified on what was going to happen. "I don't want those Pouges on my property." Rafe says, as he looked clearly upset, breathing heavy. "Rafe, that's not what you should be worried about." I say, glaring at him.

"Then tell me y/n, what should I be mad at?! Who cares if they find our were together! Why are you so ashamed to show me off?! Why are you ashamed to let people know we're together!" He raises his voice, I quickly looked away from him, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Rafe, they don't like you! That's why I want to keep us a secret, and it feels like I'm betraying them, being with someone they don't like. Those are my brothers, what am I supposed to do?! They're the only family I have!" I raised my voice back.

I hear him scoff as he got up, his expression becoming more upset. "You're fucking joking right now y/n?! If you feel that way, then why are you with me!? Since I'm so fucking forbidden!" He shouts in my face, making me shut my eyes, tears escaping.

Rafe and I, have never gotten in a argument like this. Not ever.

Before I can say anything back, we hear doors closing outside, which meant the boys where here, including Sarah and Kiara.

Rafe quickly looks out his window, before glancing back at me, storming out of his room. Shit.

I quickly followed behind him, as we went down the stairs, he opened the front door, as I appeared behind him. Seeing JJ, Pope and John B standing in the front, Sarah and Kie standing beside the Twinkie.

"You wanted to see me so fucking badly, so what is it?!" Rafe says in a harsh tone.

"Y/N, why the hell are you here?!" John B says, looking at me, ignoring Rafe. "I can explain." I say in a lower tone.

"How long have you been sneaking around.." Pope asks, with hurt in his voice.

"Listen we started talking, the night of the movie..that's it! I was going to tell you guys I swear, I just didn't know how!"

"This piece of shit had you wrecked y/n! For a whole month! What he said to you, was not okay! Is this why you said it was best if we stay as friends? For him again?!" JJ says with a scoff, looking between Rafe and I.

"Guys I'm sorry. But I can't control my feelings." I sighed.

"She's allowed to do whatever the hell she wants. If she wants to be with me, let her. You guys can't stop her." Rafe says, standing in front of me.

"Exactly. Listen John B, I love you, but you have to let her be. If she's happy with Rafe, then that's good for her. I mean, she's changed my brother, he quit doing drugs for her, and she seems way happier. I'm sorry for lying to you John.." Sarah speaks up.

"She's right." Kiara agrees, looking between the group.

I hear John B sigh. "Is this what you want y/n?" He asks. "Rafe and I are together. I'm not embarrassed of it, but you guys can't keep reminding me how much you hate him. You guys need to put aside whatever bullshit you guys have going on, and leave me and my love life alone. Please, for the sake of me." I say, shutting my eyes.

"What makes you think he quit drugs?" JJ scoffs. "JJ..stop." I hear Pope mumble to him.

"You piece of shit!" Rafe says, as he began to storm up to JJ. "Hey hey hey!" John B says, getting in the middle between the two. "Guys stop!" Kiara shouts.

I grab Rafes hand. "Rafe don't make it worse." I pull his arm back. He looks down at me, the anger in his eyes, slowly going away, his body, slowly softening up when he felt my presence.

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