chapter 4: Traitor

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As I saw them leave on the boat, I looked at Rafe who was beside me. He looked at me. "Y/N I'm so sorry" he says.

I shook my head as Rose and Ward come up to us. "Y/N are you alright?" Rose asks me. "I'm fine" I sighed. "Rafe, what the hell was that?! You are gonna get us kicked out of the club! What did I tell you, no fighting with the pouges! What even got you into this mess in the first place?! And where did your sister go?!" He asked very upset.

Rafe looked at me. I knew what happened was about me. The chasing him with his friends and the fight that happened outside. "Nothing, he was just saying stuff I didn't like" Rafe says. I sighed in relief that he didn't tell the real real story. "You guys need to leave before they kick you both out, and make sure Sarah's okay" ward replies. Rafe nods, still upset.

Ward and Rose come back to the crowd. "We are so very sorry for the minor inconvenience, let's get back to the party!" Rose says trying to lighten the mood.

"I'll drive" I say taking rafes keys from his hands.

We head to his car as I got into the drivers seat. We sat in the car in silence. "I'm sorry" he repeats.

"Notice how I chose you over them. That's something I'd never do for anyone" i said. It was true...maybe because I care about Rafe. He put his head down in silence.

The ride back to the Cameron's was silent.

We got there, as Rafe unlocked the door, just being us in the house. I looked at my phone reading 8:40 pm.

Even though I was mad at Rafe, I still cared about him. "You have a cut on your cheek" I say. I then touched his bruise on the other cheek as he winced in pain.

"Sorry... go upstairs, I'll get you some ice and take care of that cut for you" I say. "Y/N I'm fine" he chuckles. "No, I said what I said. I'll meet you in your bathroom" I say. I saw him look into my eyes giving me a small smile.

"Okay" he says walking upstairs. I walked into the kitchen grabbing some ice and placing it into a ziplog.

As I was walking back to up Rafes room, all I could think about was the night. The talk between me,Kelce, Topper and Rafe. JJ cheering me up, the funny photos we took, the dance with JJ, the kooks chasing JJ, Rafe and JJ fighting, then my own brother calling me a traitor. I felt horrible.

I opened Rafes door, making my way to his bathroom as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Hey" I say. He looked at me, "hi" he said.

He sat up on the sink counter. I placed the ice beside him. "Do you have a first aid?" I asked. "Yeah under the sink" he says. He moved his legs as I opened the cabinet, grabbing the first aid. I stood back up, putting it beside him. I looked at him. "Rafe that bruise on your cheek is horrible, and so is that cut" I said.

"I'm fine y/n, I don't know why you want to take care of me so bad" he chuckles. "Because I hate seeing people I care about hurt" I say, opening the first aid kit. I saw his face go soft.

Yes, I just told Rafe I care about him.


When she said that, I never liked her more. I fell more for her. No one's ever really they cared about me. No one's ever treated me how good she treats me.


I grabbed a alcohol wipe, cleaning his cut as he winced.

"That burns!" He said about to push my hand away. I grabbed his wrist putting it down, his hand was very close to touching my waist. We looked into each others eyes, I brushed it off cleaning his cut, as I backed away a bit.

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