chapter 3: MidSummers

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"Y/N!" I woke up to. I quickly shoot my eyes open seeing John B next to my bed. "Dude what the hell!" I say fluttering my eyes open. "It's 1 pm! midsummers starts in 3 hours!" He says throwing a pillow on me. He walks out of the room. I quickly grab my phone seeing a lot of text messages from Kiara and Sarah. Shit, it is 1 pm. I overslept watching movies.

I got up, getting into the shower.

I haven't spoken to Rafe since I last saw him, which was like 2 days ago. I don't have his number either. I'm supposed to be heading to Sarah's to get ready for Midsummers.

After my shower, I threw a hoodie and shorts on. "John B you here?" I asked. I didn't get a response. I go to my fridge reading a note from him.

"I'll be at popes, call if you need me. I'll see you at Midsummers"

I grabbed a granola bar, getting on my bike and heading to Sarah's.


I soon got to Sarah's, parking my bike. The door was unlocked as I let myself in. I saw Rafe coming down the stairs. "Y/N? Hey" he says. "Hey Rafe, is anyone here?" I asked. "My dad and Rose already went to the place where they're hosting midsummers since they themselves are hosting it, and they took Wheezie along so it's just, me you and the girls until they come back" he says.

I nod. "Okay well I'll see you later" I smiled.

I walked up the stairs, gosh he's so cute. Wait no, I'm just going out with him this one night and that's it.

I open Sarah's door seeing Kie doing her make up, and Sarah looking at herself in the mirror, "Rafe I said get out! Y/N isn't here ye- oh hey y/n" Sarah says turning around seeing it's me. I laughed closing the door behind me and sat on her bed.

"Why did you think I was Rafe?" I said. "Oh my gosh, because he came in here twice asking if you where here yet" Kie says. "He like totally likes you. You need his number girl" Sarah mentions.

"Maybe I'll get it by the end of the night."

RAFES POV, 3:40:

Midsummers start in 20 minutes. We where all ready but the girls. I waited at the bottom of the stairs for y/n. "I'm so happy you're going with Y/N, son...she's a great girl" my dad says, patting my shoulder. I smiled. I was glad I was going with her too, but I'm not glad that I was her second choice.

I was wearing this:

(Imagine whichever hairstyle you liked on him)

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(Imagine whichever hairstyle you liked on him)

Soon enough, I saw y/n coming down the stairs, she looked beautiful. I didn't even notice Sarah and Kie behind her. Her dress fit her perfect and so did her flower crown. She wore this:

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