Everybody Loves Kirk

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⚠️: drugs, threesome.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Eddie asked as you sat in the back of the town car. "Are you?" you asked him. He shrugged. "It was fun last time, right?" he said, pulling you close. "Yeah, it was." you said, snuggling into his neck. Kirk Hammett and Rose. What a wild night that was.

You placed your hand on Eddie's thigh, slowly running your hand up and down. He smirked at you and you giggled. "I'm just preparing you for Rose." you said. "We can just turn around." he said huskily. "We could.. but we already made plans." you said, continuing to tease him.

"You just want more Kirk." Eddie chuckled. "And you don't?" you raised an eyebrow. "I'm not saying I wouldn't..." he laughed. You grinned at him. "Maybe we all have a little fun tonight." you leaned up nibbling on his ear. He groaned and pulled you on top of him quickly.

You straddled his lap and looked into his dark eyes. "You're being a fucking tease." he grumbled. You bit his lip hard and he pressed his lips against yours roughly. You kissed him back, slipping your tongue in his mouth. He moaned into your kiss as it deepened. His hands wandered down and gripped your ass tightly.

It was your turn to moan. You tangled your hands in his hair and gave it a yank. His head fell back as a growl escaped his lips. "Fuck, baby." he hissed as you brought your lips to his neck, sucking harshly. The car came to a stop and you pulled away from Eddie. "Looks like we're here." you said. The door opened suddenly and you glanced over.

Kirk stood there with a smirk on his face. "Having all the fun without us?" he said, chuckling. Eddie gave your ass a smack as you climbed off of him. Kirk took your hand, helping you out of the car. You pulled your dress down as Eddie followed you. "So.. slight change of plans." Kirk said as you all walked inside.

Eddie plopped down on the couch and Kirk tossed him a beer. "Rose is in Paris. She left this morning." Kirk said, taking a seat next to Eddie. Well, shit. Eddie looked up at you and you shrugged. "Bummer, man." Eddie said, motioning for you to come closer. You walked over and he pulled you onto his lap.

"I figured we could still chill. Drink a little. Hang out." Kirk said nonchalantly. Eddie nodded as you snuggled into his neck. "You want a beer, sweetheart?" Kirk said, looking over at you. You shook your head. "Got any weed?" you asked instead. "I have anything you want, pretty lady. And you too, pretty boy." Kirk said, standing up and leaving the room.

"Kirk Hammett called you pretty." you giggled. Eddie blushed slightly and you kissed his cheek. When Kirk returned you realized he wasn't joking in the slightest. He laid out a display of drugs on the table and Eddie's eyes widened. A few you recognized. The weed, coke, ecstasy. But there were some things you hadn't seen before.

"Are those shrooms?" Eddie chuckled. "Yeah, man. I don't know if we should take that trip tonight but that's up to you." Kirk said as he sat back on the couch. His legs were spread apart as he sunk into the couch. You moved towards the table and grabbed a joint. You placed it between your lips and Eddie lit it for you as you inhaled.

You straddled Eddie's lap and pulled his lips close, blowing the smoke in his mouth. He laid his head back on the couch as he exhaled. You locked eyes with Kirk and he gave you a wink. These two beautiful men. Fuck. You took a few more hits, passing the joint around. When it was Kirk's turn he took a long hit and slowly gripped Eddie's face.

You watched as Eddie leaned in and their lips touched briefly as the smoke transferred from Kirk's mouth to Eddie's. You felt a tingling sensation in between your thighs. You were all pretty high at this point. Your movements were a little slower than normal. You sat down in between Eddie and Kirk and leaned up kissing Eddie.

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