Aim to Engage Poetry Winner 2023

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The Miracle That Is You

By wmtbw22

Those two little pink lines brought joyous amounts of tears to my eyes

While sharp, excruciating pains from deep within my body started to arise

The unexpected medical confirmation made your father and me happy cry

Though the daunting ER visit and continuous pain made me want to die

Feelings of warmth ran through me knowing you were still there

While the unknowingness moving forward was extremely difficult to bear

It was pure magic hearing your heartbeat for the very first time

But the reoccurring jabs of the needles were anything but fine

Photo after photo, my little nugget, you made me smile

As the seemingly endless purple bruises turned yellow after awhile

One day, the doctor told me just how blessed I was to still have you

But the news about another in the future was hard to believe as true

I considered myself the lucky one, as if I was pleasantly dreaming

Though I was constantly worried about your health and well-being

Your hiccups and kicks were a wonderful reminder of your existence

Despite needing needles and extra doctors' appointments for assistance

As time went on, you caused my belly to stretch, growing bigger and rounder

Which made stabbing myself with a needle twice a day an even worse encounter

Loved ones showered us with gifts in preparation for your arrival

While deep down, all I ever hoped and prayed for was for your survival

At last, a day was scheduled with the doctor to bring you into the world

But all the things that could possibly go wrong during this time was all I ever heard

The time had finally come, with you deciding to take matters into your own hands

However, your timing brought on more questions, pain and stricter medical demands

The emotions within me about meeting you so soon, I will never be able to explain

While the memories of many tears and brutal discomfort will always remain

Your dad was by my side through it all, never making me question his love

But the idea of something going wrong during this time continued to loom above

After a lengthy and difficult delivery, you beautifully made an appearance

Which woefully, is all a blur to me due to the drugs and my little coherence

When I finally held you in my arms for the first time, I felt like I had a real purpose

Though the thought of passing any health conditions onto you made me extremely nervous

Counting ten little toes and ten teeny fingers made me beam from ear to ear

While the anticipation of the first postpartum jab filled me with tremendous fear

Your complete reliability on your father and me was delightfully unnerving

And the chances of ever experiencing this again are slim and a bit disturbing

You are everything we could ever want and more, our beautiful miracle baby

Yet, a small part of me prays for another someday, somehow, just maybe

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