Versification 23 Kaput Winners

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Word Prompt Winner



Used, abused, wasted, destroyed,
What made you quite contented, now gets you annoyed.
Such a prized possession, a high tier loot,
Now tossed in the garage, totally kaput.
But what do they become, when they are demolished?
Don't they still hold their value, as when they were beautifully polished?
A mirror is still a mirror, even when shattered and lost its flair,
But the broken pieces can still cause harm, leaving your hurt, living in fear.
So when an object becomes kaput, it's just like a shirt you wear,
You'll never understand it's value, until you found a tear.

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Word Prompt Runner-Up



Two loving hearts grew distant, over the cold dark winter.
Once lushes, and vibrant, two hearts began to splinter.
One felt the heat of jealousy, their mind grew dark, and weary.
The other comforted endlessly, but their own heart grew dreary.

Until then one heart said, "no more", and let the other shatter.Their love kaput forevermore, as if their love didn't matter.One heart now in pieces, planted and tears soaked in the dirt.They found their peace, one heart now full released of the hurt.Two loving hearts once in wrath, learned to love themselves again.Forever apart, they follow different paths, full hearts they gain.

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Challenge Prompt Winner


Kaput- The Toy Maker

The same day auntie had given Cindy a teddy, the teddy ended up being torn apart in a fight between Cindy and her jealous brother Danny.

The teddy hadn't even yet gotten a name and was already discarded with the trash.

It broke auntie's heart to see how miserable and mistreated poor teddy had been by the people who should have cared for it.

She picked teddy and his torn off arm and leg out off the dustbin and gently kissed its head.

"Don't worry, little one. I promise to make this right."

She carefully tucked teddy in her purse and left the house.


The sun was already setting when auntie reached the outskirts of town.

She upped her pace as she walked down the winding road leading her uphill towards the woods.

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