Versification 23 Banish Winners

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Word Prompt Winner


➥"The Last Page"

Ink-stained pages, my heart's fervent decree,

Chronicle a love that was never to be,

A bitter tale of passion's demise,

Rife with torments my soul belies.

I banish thoughts of what could have been,

Shunning memories that lurk within;

For I am but a ghost of love's past,

With a shattered heart that shall forever last,

Penning my requiem with mournful sighs,

As I bid adieu to a love that was destined to die.

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Word Prompt Runner-Up


➥Hums of Banish 

Wrongs, the trembling moves that fail,

And the timid paths coiled to end in the tail,

At times as banished rights, sunken and dizzy,

Like punished land for not yielding pearls of the seas,

May thine true facades be explored before the bells speak.

Rights, the verities susurating the real needs,

Light or puzzled paths towards heads,

At times the banished lies reign the peak,

Akin to glints of water, hiding everything  sleek,

May thine true facades be realized by the bells squeak.

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Challenge Prompt Winner


➥Banished to Earth

So, okay, I had no magical powers. It wasn't my fault. It was a birth defect. No one's fault. Well, maybe my mother's fault, for drinking that potion right before she had me. The one that has since been clinically proven to be dangerous to pregnant females or, more specifically, to their unborn children.

My mother never could follow doctor's orders.  She always was looking for an easier way.

So, because of the potion, the magical powers that I was supposed to be born with, were eradicated. Obliterated. Poof! Gone.

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