Versification 23 Sophisticated Winners

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Word Prompt Winner


➥Masterpiece - an Ekphrasis

Amidst the art on the gallery's wall,

A graceful masterpiece stands tall.

Reflection of a cultured imagination,

And the epitome of sophistication.

With each stroke fluid, every color divine,

Pure work of art, so intricate and fine.

Painted in hues of ivory and gold,

The touch of crimson speaks of the secrets untold.

Wisdom of a bygone time, captured in its design,

A tale of love and hatred in every line.

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Word Prompt Runner-Up


➥ Sophisticated

For the world he is Sophisticated,
admired and appreciated.

World only see the persona he created,

But in the depth of his heart, he is suffocated.

People envy how he is someone closest to perfection,

But only he knows about all his imperfections.

Still lingers in his heart those time he was ignored,

Aware he is how only his perfect part is adored.

When they see his sophisticated self, they all wants to be him, unaware about his scars hiding in the dark,

They only see the petal wings blossoming in the benchmark.

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Challenge Prompt Winner



Sophisticated, she appeared,
A veneer of strength, but she feared,
That deep inside, she was broken,
With wounds and scars, left unspoken.

Her elegance was just a guise,
To hide her pain from prying eyes.
Her heart shattered, her soul in pain
Sophisticated, but in vain.

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