A Normal Start to an Abnormal Day

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The day started fairly normally. I woke up at 6 in the morning, watched some hockey highlights from the previous night, and got ready to head off for my last day of school.

My stepmother had already left for work, and my father was still in bed after working late the night before, so I just grabbed a couple granola bars from the kitchen and ran down the street to the bus. I had to get up a bit earlier than I'd like, because I went to a private school over in Queens, which was about a 45 minute drive from where I lived further out on Long Island. Parson's Academy is a fairly normal school, and the day went fairly normally. As I got off the bus, I saw the dean, a large bald man named Mr. Welch. "Hi Mr. (L/N)!" he exclaimed as I walked past. "Hello Mr. Welch!" I replied quickly. I'm fairly well liked by my teachers, I don't make too much trouble, am quiet in class, and have a good head on my shoulders, as my father would say. This, as I would later come to find, is a bit abnormal.

We didn't have that much to do on the last day, so I spent most of the day just gazing around at the posters and art on the walls. I have ADHD, which at least for me isn't nearly as annoying as it's made out to be, but definitely makes it difficult to sit around for six hours doing nothing. During history class though, I just could not focus on anything, even on the framed replicas of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which I usually would spend my time reading when I was bored. I have dyslexia as well, but given my love of reading I've learned over time how to work my brain around it when I really wanted to. I had to focus pretty intensely, but I could read more or less normally, if perhaps a bit slow. Instead, my eyes were drawn to the window a few feet away from me. I could have sworn I kept seeing something large, brown, and slightly reflective in the wooded area behind the school, but I could never quite catch what it was.

"Hey, Madison, can you see anything weird out there?", I asked my friend sitting next to me.

"No", Madison replied, "I've been staring out there all class, (Y/N), only thing I've seen is a squirrel running around on that power line, what did you see?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it, I'm probably just going crazy out of boredom." I blinked my eyes rapidly as I said this, trying to clear my mind a bit, telling myself that it was nothing. It wasn't.

On the bus home, I could swear that I saw the same thing following us, but I kept telling myself what I had earlier.

"Calm down (Y/N), you're just seeing things. Again."

I looked to my right at David, a short kid who lived a few blocks down from me. He could tell that I was a bit panicked, and was in all honestly probably a bit annoyed. See, weird things happen around me sometimes. It's not always huge, usually I just see something out of the corner of my eye and ask in vain if anyone else saw it. It can be... more notable, though, once I was on a trip to the Museum of Natural History, got sick from a bad hot dog, and the glass pane on the display in front of me shattered as I vomited on the floor.

"You're probably right man, I just feel like it is something this time, ya know?"

"You said that the last 20 times, (Y/N)." David replied. "Remember the time you saw Bigfoot in Central Park?"

"Listen, I saw something big and hairy, ok?"

"Sure" David grumbled. "Probably just a guy in a fur coat."

"Whatever man, this is my stop, you want to come over later?"

"I'll see" he said. "Gotta ask my parents first"

"Alright, just have them call my house if you are coming"

Little did I know, as I stepped off that bus, I would most certainly not be playing Xbox with David later.

AN: Hey folks! Just a quick reminder I have a discord and you should join! Link is on my profile!

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now