I Set Some Bullies on Fire

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The next couple minutes were like a whirlwind. Chiron explained how the gods are indeed real, how they follow what he called the "heart of the West", and how, apparently, there is a magic elevator in the Empire State Building that takes you to Mount Olympus, which is more of an semi-corporeal idea than a strict physical location.

After what seemed like forever, Percy finally spoke up. "So wait, all the gods, Zeus, Hera, all that, they're like real beings?"

Chiron looked up as the sky suddenly sparked with lighting and thunder roared. "Don't use their names lightly. Especially right now."

Just a couple seconds later, Percy pointed back towards the house we had come from, seemingly at the attic window. "What's up there?"

"Not a single living thing." Replied Chiron quickly.

He wasn't lying, I could tell that much, but I got a strange feeling that he wasn't telling the whole truth either.

As we walked through the valley, I finally thought to ask. "Are my parents ok Chiron?"

"Yes, (Y/N), they made it out fine. The police think they must have gotten rammed by a delivery truck or something."

I breathed a sigh of relief as Percy seemed to glare at me with an emotion I couldn't quite place. Jealousy maybe? Annabeth and Grover gave me an odd look as well.

Chiron quickly jumped in and made things clear. "I'm sorry about your mother, Percy."

Oh. Well now I felt like a bit of a tool.

I looked at Percy with an apologetic face, and he seemed to relax a bit.

Me and Percy were more or less silent the rest of the walk. Chiron and Annabeth pointed out a bunch of things to us: a lake, a climbing wall with lava on it, the pegasus stables, an open air dining area, and an arena for training and duels that Chiron said were "mostly safe" and "usually not deadly", which wasn't exactly the most comforting way to word it.

Chiron took a bit longer explaining the woods to us. "They are stocked, so be sure to go armed if you wish to enter."

Me and Percy replied in unison. "Stocked? With what?"

"You'll see." Said Chiron. "Capture the flag is this Friday. Do either of you have a weapon and a shield yet by any chance?"

I decided to try my ring again, and willed it to become a sword as it had the other day. It began to change the same way it had before, and all except Chiron jumped back a bit.

"Woah." Said Percy. "How'd you do that?"

"Not sure. I just think of it becoming a sword and it does."

Chiron looked at me with an odd expression. "Interesting. Well you will still be needing a shield, (Y/N), and Percy will need both a shield and a weapon. A size 6 should do for both of you, I'll have Luke take you to pick them up later."

Finally, we came to a bunch of buildings that looked like they had been plucked straight out of an ancient city. They were arranged in a U shape around a fire pit near the center, which was being tended to by a small girl who couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. At the head were two similar looking buildings of shining white marble, and on either side were five buildings of drastically varying styles.

Chiron began to explain. "These are the cabins. One for each of the 12 Olympians. If you are claimed, you will go to your godly parent's cabin."


I quickly realized something. "There are way more than 12 gods though. What if your parent isn't one of these 12?"

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now