I Fight A Demon Chicken

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The water park wasn't actually that far away, it tuns out. We only walked a couple blocks before we saw the gates. A dilapidated sign, half covered in graffiti, stood next to them. I think it said Waterland at one point, but half the letters were missing.

The gate was locked by a padlock, but one quick slice from Moonlight and the chain holding the gate shut fell to the floor.

Percy started laughing a bit. "If Ares brings his girlfriend here for a date, I'd hate to see what she looks like."

Annabeth glared at him. "You shouldn't say that, Percy. She wouldn't like it."

Percy stared back. "And what's she gonna do? Is it Echidna? I'd love to have a go at her again."

"Percy. Shut up. You'll get us all burned up. You don't want to get Aphrodite angry." Annabeth said, glaring at him with even more anger than before.

Percy faltered a bit. "Wait, but I thought she was married to Hephaestus?"

Andromeda jumped in. "She is, but, well, you've seen how many demigod kids the gods have. Most of them are married. It's not exactly uncommon for them to... mess around."

Annabeth nodded. "It's old gossip, Ares and Aphrodite. Hephaestus knows, hell he's caught the two of them together and humiliated them a couple times. It's just how things are though. Hephaestus isn't exactly innocent either, you saw his kids back at camp. You think Aphrodite approved of all of them?"

Note to self: don't get romantically involved with any gods. They don't think much of fidelity.

I spoke up. "Can we get going guys? Sun is gonna go down soon, and I'd rather not be here at night. Place gives me the creeps."

As we walked in, we saw a couple worn down attractions. They all had weird names, like Ankle Biter Island and Dude, Where's My Swimsuit?

As we rounded a corner, we saw the gift shop. Peeking through the doors, we gasped.

Annabeth ran straight in. "New clothes... gods, I needed this."

"Annabeth, you can't just..."

"Can it seaweed brain. We need these."

Percy sighed. I was a bit surprised, didn't take him much for one to oppose stealing from an abandoned theme park.

A couple minutes later, we all looked like walking advertisements for Waterland. We had branded t-shirts, branded backpacks, even branded shoes. As we went out, Percy pointed to our left.

"There it is guys! The Tunnel of Love!"

I looked where he was pointing. There, at the end of the path we were on, was a large building with a couple Cupid statues near the entrance. Above the entrance there was a sign: Thrill Ride o'Love! This Ain't Your Parents' Tunnel of Love! As we approached, Annabeth went over to look at one of the Cupids. She ran her hand along it, seemingly looking at something. I looked where she was, and there, on the side of the statue, was a small Greek letter. An eta.

"Hmm..." she said, deep in thought, "I wonder..."

Before she could say any more I grabbed her arm.

"Cmon, let's get this over with."

She glared at me a bit, but nodded.

We quickly made our way inside. It was way bigger inside than I thought it would be. The entrance was the size of a small auditorium. Presumably there had been more stuff in there when the park was active. As we rounded a corner, we saw two things. The first was good, in a small, swan shaped boat, sat a shield and a scarf. We'd found it! The second wasn't as good. Standing nearby the boat was one of the strangest creatures I'd ever seen. The front half was that of a horse, albeit with a terrifying number of sharp teeth. The back half, though, looked like an absolutely massive chicken, complete with wings and legs that looked far too thin to hold it up.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now