A Midnight Stroll

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That night, Percy was moved over to the Poseidon cabin. When I returned to the Hermes cabin, everyone looked at me a bit differently. I suppose that was to be expected, but combined with the one real friend I had in that cabin no longer being there, I felt rather lonely. I don't fall asleep easily at the best of times, so I was not particularly surprised when I was still awake by midnight. I decided to take a walk, hoping it would help clear my mind a bit. Stepping out into the crisp night air, I began to think more intensely about what had happened earlier. I'd been in a state of shock for the hour or so after I had been claimed, so this was really the first time I thought of it with a clear mind.

Why me? Why was I claimed, when there are probably two dozen kids in the Hermes cabin who've been waiting way longer than me? And what does Percy being claimed mean?

From what I had gathered, Percy being claimed was... a big deal, to say the least. Apparently, after World War II, which had supposedly been a fight between children of the Big Three, Zeus and Poseidon on one side and Hades on the other, an accord was reached, with all three swearing on the River Styx to never again bear children with a mortal. Also, there was apparently something going on with Zeus and Poseidon, with Poseidon being accused of stealing some important item from Zeus. I couldn't get much more than that out of Annabeth, she didn't seem to have a clear picture of what was going on either, but I could tell that she knew more than she was willing to tell me.

I really hope Percy doesn't get dragged into that. He's got enough going on with losing his mother and all.

There was one more thing. Annabeth seemed to think there was a bigger issue relating to Percy's parentage, beyond the current godly debate and the breaking of a sacred vow, but she was even more tight lipped on that.

I had been walking for about twenty or so minutes when I noticed a slight glow down near one of the strawberry fields, the same bluish-purple color I had become accustomed to seeing so often over the past few days. I was a bit concerned, given the whole hellhound incident earlier, but ultimately I decided to investigate. As I got closer, I saw a figure pacing back and forth. They seemed to be wearing long robes, and were emitting the dim glow I had initially noticed, as if they had a small lantern on them. I got closer, and saw it was a woman, maybe in her mid thirties, but with eyes of the same bluish-purple that displayed the wisdom of a life much longer than the age she appeared. As I got closer, she smiled warmly at me.

"Y/N)." She said, with a soft voice. "My dear son. It is good to see you again."

I stood in shock for a moment, processing what she had just said. "M... mom?"

"Yes my dear. I'm sorry that we have not met until now, but my duties make things... complicated."

I didn't care all that much about all the missed time right then. I began to tear up, and she pulled me into a comforting hug.

"Shhhh, it's ok (Y/N). Now listen, I do not have much time and there is much I wish to say"

I looked up and nodded. If she had a limited time here with me, I was going to make the most of it.

"I'm glad to see your father gave you the ring. It is known as Phéngos, for it was first forged by me as a gift for Artemis. Eventually, it made its way back to me, and through me, to your father. It is imbued with the very essence of magic."

I translated the name in my head. Phéngos. Moonlight. Fitting for a blade meant for Artemis, I suppose.

I looked down at my ring, summoning the blade I now knew as Moonlight. My mother smiled.

"It is good to see it again, especially in such capable hands. I saw what happened earlier, in the forest. You summoned the purest form of magic. The essence of the universe in its raw, unconverted state. It was impressive, but you must be careful. A spell such as that will drain your energy far more than those you unknowingly used in the days prior. You saw what happened when you tried to use it again. If you do that in a real fight, at least before you have a better idea of how to control it, you will leave yourself vulnerable."

I looked at her, smiling widely. I had actually made her proud. I was still somewhat upset she had been away for so long, but I felt so incredibly happy at the same time.

"Let me try and teach you something, (Y/N), something you can use in a similar way, but is far less draining. Reach your hand out, and simply imagine a small bolt of fire shooting out."

I did as she asked, aiming at a nearby puddle of water. An orb of fire, similar in color to the orb of energy from earlier, but noticeably less bright, formed, and shot towards the puddle. It struck with a small pop and evaporated about half of the water. I looked at my mother in amazement.

"Excellent job, (Y/N)! You are a natural at this, as you ought to be. With magic, you can manipulate the very fabric of reality. As a general rule, the bigger the change, the more draining it will be on you, so keep your limits in mind. They will inevitably grow beyond what they are now, but be careful. Magic is powerful, but as much as that is a good thing for you, it is also a reason for you to be cautious. As much as it gives, it will take. Even magic must obey the laws of reality in some ways."

I nodded, and almost began to pummel her with questions, before she began to speak again.

"Now, my dear, onto the most important message. Tomorrow you will have a decision. I cannot make it for you, and it will determine a good deal about your future. I can give you a few words of advice, though. Be brave. You are capable of more than you know. Do not fear the unknown, and take a chance at greatness if it comes your way. My time is now up. I love you, (Y/N), make me proud."

I had so many questions, but no time to ask. She smiled at me, the same smile from when I first saw her, as she began to glow.

"Avert your eyes, (Y/N)."

I did as she said, and with a bright flash that seemed to turn night to day for just a moment, she was gone.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now