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Bev's POV:

I exit the bathroom so Richie can shower.

I sigh as I walk over to his desk to find replacement lenses for the broken ones.

I hear the shower turn on.

*Ring Ring*


*Ring Ring*

I walk downstairs  to answer the phone.

*Ring Ri-*

"Hello you have reached the Tozier household, this is Beverley" I say,

"Oh hey Bev, this is Eddie, is Richie home?"
I frown at the sound of his voice.

"No, no he's not."

"Oh, when he gets home can you tell him I called?" He asks.

"No" I say as I hang up

"Who was that?" I hear Richie say from behind me

"Just a random telemarketer." I say as I turn away from the phone.
He nods.

"Alright, lets get your wounds patched up." I say as I stand up and drag Richie upstairs.

Eddie's POV:


Bev hung up the phone.

Why did she sound so angry, and why was she at Richie's house when Richie wasn't home?
What was she doing there?


I'll call him back later when he gets home.

I can't help but wonder why she sounded so mad.
Did I do something to her?

I sight and put the phone back.

I guess I'll call someone else.

I dial in Stan's number and give him a call.

Bev's POV:

I have Richie sit down on his bed.
I place his glasses on his face before I begin to patch up his hands.

"Rich, I know you don't really want to talk about it, but please tell me a little about what happened." I say as I apply disinfectant.

He jumps at the contact.

"I just told him something he didn't like." He says as he slowly relaxes his hand.

"He disliked it so much that he decided to hurt you?" I ask now looking up at his face.

"I guess" He shays as he shrugs.

"Richie, Eddie wouldn't hurt you unless he was really, really mad, so what happened."
Richie turns his face away.

I finish covering Richie's wounds before sitting next to him on his bed.

"What did you tell him?" I ask.

He shakes his head as a tear falls.

I sigh.

"You don't have to tell me now, but please tell me when you're ready."

He nods as he wipes the tears from his face.

*Ring Ring*

The phone.

"I'll be right back." I say as I walk downstairs.

"Hello, you've reached the Tozier household, this is Beverly." I say into the phone.

"Hey Bev, Stan here."

"Oh hey Stan, what do ya need?"

"Eddie called me earlier to ask if I heard anything from Richie. So I called him and you picked up."

"Oh, sorry Richie's not home right now." I use the same lie as before.

"Oh, okay, when you see him give me a call."

"Okay, bye Stan."

"Bye Bev."

I put the phone back before I walk back upstairs.

"Who was it now?" Richie asks.

"Stan called, but I told him you weren't home, I assumed you didn't want to talk to him right now." I say as I sit next to him in his bed,

"Thanks Bev." He says as he falls back onto his bed.

I smile at him as he slowly falls asleep.


Words: 485

Authors Note: Hey!!
Sorry that it's short.

And just to make sure that you are aware!!
I do not ship Beverly and Richie!
When I think of their friendship I think of them using nicknames like 'Hon' and "Babe' they don't mean it in a romantic way, it's just how they communicate with each other.
So that's why they call each other that in most if not all of my stories.

Bad Idea, Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now