
188 7 47

Warnings: Homophobic Slurs

Richie's POV:

"Umm, well-"

Do I trust Bev?
She's Been here for me all this time, one small thing can't make her leave.
But what if she does?
She will definitely hate me.
But I trust her.


"Well? What happened?" She asks again.

"Well, you see..." I start.

I can trust her.
I will trust her.

"I kinda well, I... You see... I-" I sigh, "Promise me you wont get mad?"

"Of course" Bev says as she eyes my skeptically, "I won't hate you or get mad no mater what you say."

"So, I sorta, kinda, maybe a little bit, maybe, possibly-"

"Just say it Rich, don't worry, I wont be mad."

"Well... I sorta like Eddie..."


I stood at the end of the road, waiting anxiously for Eddie to arrive.

I had finally built up enough courage to tell him the truth.
I was finally going to confess.

I had his favorite flowers in hand, and a hole ass script I memorized.

Today I would finally be honest with him.

I see him up ahead, walking towards me.

"Hey Rich." He says as he steps up to me, "Why'd you wanna meet?"

"Well, um, I have something i'v been meaning to tell you for quite some time..."

"Mhm, go on" He says eyeing me scepticaly.

"Well, please don't be mad."

"Okay, go on."

"Eddie, I'm... Gay..." I look down at the ground, "And I sorta like you... But you don't have to like me back! I just wanted to tell you! We can stay friends."

"That's disgusting." I looked up sharply as the words escaped Eddie's mouth, "Honestly the last thing I though you would be was a Faggot."

"...What...?" I mutter quietly.

I reach a hand out.

"Eww, don't touch me, I'm not a Fag like you, don't try to make me one." He says before giving me a harsh slap to the face, knocking my glasses off in the process.
He stomps down on my glasses harshly before flipping me of and leaving.

But not without yelling one last thing.

"Don't ever touch me again."

Flashback Over:

"That Asshole" I hear her mutter.

I finally look up at Bev's face.
The only thing I see on it is anger.

"That actual Asshole." She says louder, "What the Fuck is wrong with him."

"Don't worry about it." I say quietly.

"Don't worry about it? Don't worry about it?! Richie, he hurt you because you liked him!!" She yells.

"And because I'm gay." I add.

"And because your gay!!" She yells again.

"I'm going to beat his ass." She says in anger as she stands up and walks towards my bedroom door.

Eddie's POV:

I walk down the kissing bridge, looking at all the carvings.

"Eddie Kaspbrak!" I hear someone yell from behind me.
I turn around to see none other than Bev walking towards me, clear anger planted on her face.

"Hey Be-" I start but get cut short as she delivers a swift slap.

"You Bitch." She says as she glares into my eyes, "I heard what you did to Richie, you Asshole!"

I lift a hand up to my face.

"Uh- Bev calm down, please..."

"Calm down?! How the Fuck am I supposed to calm down?! You hurt Richie for a Shitty reason!!"

I did what?!

"You Fucking ruined him, and why?! Just because he Fucking liked you!"


Richie likes me?


"Shut up, don't fucking talk to us, you Bitch." She says angerly before delivering another swift slap.
She then turns around and stomps away.

Richie likes me?

My face turns a light shade of pink.

But me, hurting Richie?

I have to talk to him.



Authors Note: I know it's short, but I felt the need to update this again, it's been far too long.

But like, drama, confessions, and confusion?
This is fun.

Bad Idea, Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now