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Phil's PoV

I sat down on the floor and clicked on the camera. "Fringe check," I muttered, straightening my hair into place. When I was finally done, I sat up straight and straightened out my blue tee-shirt. I took a breath and tried to focus. When I opened my icy eyes, I smiled like the love of my life was in front of me. "Hey guys!"


Dan's PoV

I peeked through the doorway to see Phil sitting in the middle of the lounge with the camera. I smiled like an idiot, but then stopped when I remembered what had happened. He doesn't remember. I let a small tear roll down my now flushed red cheek and walked away.


Phil's PoV

While sat at my desk editing, my mind began to wander. Flashes of memories danced through my head. A hand intertwining with mine. Lips pressed to mine. Head against mine. Our smiles. But who was it? "Dan?" I called to my best friend. He walked in. "Did I ever date someone that I forgot about?" I could see pain in his eyes as he shook his head and walked out.

I sighed and went back to my struggled editing. Then I remembered Jamie. Maybe she knew. I dialed up her number-despite the fact she lived a little ways down the hall-and waited. The constant ringing brought annoyance to me and I willed for Jamie to pick up faster. When she did I sighed. "Hey, Phil!" she said.

"Hey Jamie! Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Did I ever date someone before the 'incident'?" I asked, referring to my fall out the window. There was a silence and Jamie's hesitant breathing. I puffed out my cheeks, wondering if I shouldn't have asked.

"N... no," she finally breathed out. I nodded.

"Okay," I said. "Thanks anyway."

"No problem."


Jamie's PoV

"Bye Phil," I said.

"Bye," he replied. I could hear the disappointment in his voice and felt bad.

"Wait!" I shouted. I felt the phone connect with his face again and I smiled. "I'll ask around. If I find something I'll tell you."

"Okay," he said. I could hear the smile on his voice and all the guilt that had taken over me left in a deep exhale.



I needed to call Dan right after that. The phone picked up instantly. "What?" he asked, annoyance and a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Nice to talk to you, too," I replied with sarcasm. "Are you sure you don't want to tell Phil about-?"

"No!" he shouted, cutting me off. I heard him exhale deeply before continuing. "No, I... I just don't want revived Phil to be weirded out and leave me."

"Okay," I surrendered. "Just tell me if you change your mind."

"Alright. I will." I smiled. "Hey! So I'm meeting those guys from YouTube that Cat told us about. PJ and Chris?"

"Oh yeah?"


"Well," I told him, "have fun."

"I will. Hey I have to meet them soon," he told me. I heard him hold his hand over the phone. "Phil!" he shouted at his flat mate. "Get ready! We're going to meet PJ and Chris in a few minutes!"


"Alright," he said, returning his attention to me, "I've got to go. See you later. Bye!"

"Bye," I replied. I hung up and rested my chin on my hand. Phil should know.

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