Chapter 2

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It all started when Khom and Baiboon became an Item...

It took Khom an ungodly amount of time to see the boy more than a boy and understand that good things in life rarely come twice... and that was that...

But then Kim saw Auntie Nee going out of Kamol's office wiping her eyes... he acted as if he didn't notice anything... and went in... Kamol was slightly agitated... but once he saw him, he took a deep breath and opened his arms invitingly...

"Is everything ok?"

Kamol nodded, leaning in to rest his head on Kim's... it was a serene couple of minutes... for someone so high and mighty, Kamol needed a lot of physical touch from Kim... not that Kim minded, it gave him a sense of satisfaction that he can be the only person to do so... only person who can bring comfort...

He chimed in... doubtfully...

"I saw Auntie Nee crying..."

"It's a small matter, don't worry... It's really a small matter..."

"Can I help with it?"


"Can you tell me what it is?"

Kamol looked Kim in the eyes... He saw the sincerity and love there... and he melted...

"I don't want to tell you, It's such a small matter and to be honest I am not sure it's up for sharing right now..."

Kim nodded, that much he could understand... Kamol would share whatever that was with him later once the matter was solved... He would tell him why as well he didn't share it, to begin with...

"What do you need me to do then ?"

"Just stay with me... I need you..."

"I am with you... always..."

He might not know what was going on but he was not worried about anything but his lover... his very distressed lover...


Baiboon asked Kim if something was the matter between Auntie Nee and any of the masters...

"She is drawn and quiet... I am worried about her... I want to take her to the doctor... I don't want her to be sick..."

Baiboon's eyes were bright already... Whatever was already happening was indirectly taking its toll...

"No... Baiboon... none of us is angry or anything... she must be a bit tired... you should just ask her to rest and remain by her side..."

Baiboon nodded in understanding... He would believe Kim... Kim wouldn't lie to him if he could help it... and in this instant, Kim was not lying to Baiboon...No one was angry at Auntie Nee... but he didn't know what would be too bad to cause her such distress...

He went to the kitchen and dismissed the staff... asking for a word in private with Auntie Nee

"Do you need to see a doctor ?"

"Oh, Master Kim... don't worry ... what's tiring me is not something that can be solved by medicine."

"Can you share it with me? Maybe I and Kamol could help you..."

She shook her head... put both of her hands on Kim's shoulder... and patted them in a motherly manner...

"My young Master Kim... you are so kind... Master Kamol promised me to help... but if you must know... just you have to protect Baiboon and don't let him worry about me... nothing will happen to me..."

"Protect Baiboon ?"

"Yes... Keep him in your company... don't let him stray... Master Kamol... he said he will do his best...and the master is... he never lets us down..."

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