Chapter 5

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Kim didn't notice it at first... he really didn't

It was his father who pointed it out to him, and if Kim's reaction was any indication... he hardly believed it... it couldn't be true.

It all started after their engagement. Kim decided to designate some time to regularly check on his parents and spend time with them. It made him feel better about all of those times he bailed on them... and Kamol readily agreed... almost jumping at the chance with both hands...

In the beginning, Kim thought it had something to do with the fact that Kamol never had any parents or family, that he was never in a position to regularly visit a family member...

but Kamol never bailed on his family visits... he spent a lot of time trying to get on his parent's good side... something Kamol was very good at...

he would join his mother in watering her garden... talk with her about plants... even watch her cooking and subject himself to be her taste-tester at times...

He would join Kim's father in endless chess games, talking about business and economy... listening to the man's advice... sharing his own experiences in running his business... and sometimes slipping some remarks about the shady dealings of the city... it was usually enriching conversations...

which was why Kim never noticed, because Kamol simply told him that he would love his parents by extension because his love for him was that big... and that for him he would do anything...

so when Kim's father pointed out that Kim usually lost to him at chess on purpose... Kim hardly believed it...

It was one of the few times that Kim was over at his parents' while Kamol was out of town on business and bound to come back the next day... he already asked Kim to ask for forgiveness from his parents on his behalf...

"What makes you say that, father?"

"You know how competent your partner is, don't you ?"

"Of course..."

"He prolongs the games... and then he would make a single incorrect move and lose... and it usually would be at the end of one of our conversations or when your mother would start to complain about both of us spending too much time in front of the chess board."

"Are you sure about that? I don't think he would do that... why would he do that?"

"Other than the fact that he is smitten with my own son and trying to get on my good side... he seemed to enjoy our chit chat..."

"I still don't believe that...Why would he?"

"Because he is a good man... and he is a humble one who wouldn't want to embarrass an elderly like me by beating him repeatedly... didn't you say that he can cook himself?"


"Yet he never tried to correct your mother when she made him taste test those weird western desserts she made the other day... only pointed out that they shouldn't have grown twice in size... and told her that it was probably some fault with the recipes... your mother told me later that she did it on purpose to see his reaction..."

Kim's jaw dropped open...

"You know... I had my doubts about him... but you seem to be blossoming under his love and care... more than you have ever been in any of your previous relationships..."

"I didn't know you thought so..."

Kim's father hummed...

"We watch you both whenever you come... or whenever we visit... he looks at you... looks for you... his eyes are always seeking you... not in a watchful controlling gaze... but in a gaze of a lover who doesn't want his partner to be out of his sight... he touches you tenderly... and you are sure of yourself with him... way more than I have ever seen you... he listens to you... and you listen to him despite how stubborn you usually are..."

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