Chapter 6

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It all started when Kim's mother got excited while letting some of their family members know about Kim's engagement... She was just so proud and happy and went on and on about how charming and caring Kamol was toward her son and one thing led to another and then another after that and Kim's father was brought in and now they have a party at Kim's house in a couple of days

"A Party? For us?"

Kim's mother opted to not tell her son about the whole introduce Kamol to the family till she figured out the ins and outs of their party situation, which was not good for Kim and Kamol, as they now have a party on their honor for their engagement and they couldn't get away even if they wanted...

"But Why? We are good already, Why the bother, Mom?"

"Non-sense... I want to celebrate and Kamol should get to know our family better, he is a member of it now, aren't you darling?"

Kamol was silently looking between Kim and his mother... He focused back on the mother when he was addressed and smiled slightly...

"Whatever you say, Ma'am..."

Kim looked at him flabbergasted... but Kim's mother seemed to deem her mission accomplished...

"Well, that settles it, clear your schedule for the end of the week and be in the house by seven... You don't have to worry about any catering or arrangements or anything, I will handle everything... I will see you both later..."

Kim walked his mother out and came back to find Kamol just sitting waiting for him... he was slightly baffled, both of them were... so Kim opted for the only thing he knew that could anchor both of them... He sat on Kamol's lap and let Kamol collect him in his arms and waited...

It took a couple more minutes of silence before Kamol talked

"So.... We have a family party on the weekend..."

Kim hummed, it had been a while since he attended one of those, and while he was extremely proud of the man he loved and wanted to show their relationship to the whole world, he was still reluctant about the whole party...

"How... How are we going to do this?"

"We will dress nicely and go?"

Kamol chuckled before kissing Kim...

"I mean... What do you think your family will think about me? Have they met any of your previous lovers?"

It gave Kim a pause... He thought about it for a second...

"No... Not really... nothing was ever worth making introductions with the family... and you are not my lover, last I checked we were engaged..."

Kim could hear the underlying question, what they would do when they met Kamol, and If they had met Day before him... He could hear the insecurity that lingered there...

"I never took anyone home, other than Day... and even then it was a rough road, we had known each other during school, I never mastered enough courage to introduce him that widely, and we were never that serious, to begin with... as you saw it didn't end well.."

Kamol's hold tightened on Kim... He dropped a kiss on his cheek...

"I want them to know that I love you, that you are my entire world..."

Kamol hummed... closing his eyes and leaning into Kim again...

"I love you too..."

Kim didn't want to break the tender moment, but if he had been honest with himself, he was quite worried too, not because his family wouldn't accept Kamol, but because his family was a tad on the sassy side...

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