Chapter 3

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Kim loved the time he spent with Kamol doing the most mundane things... Like watching Drama, listening to music, reading a book while sitting in Kamol's Lap... because if anything it kept his head from wandering and he tended to do that a lot since their ordeal

Kamol had tolerance for more things than Kim expected anyway, and what would be a couple of episodes of Drama of any genre as long as he had Kim tucked tightly in his arms... preferably with less fabric separating them... and as long as he can take his lover to bed soon after and be the center of his universe, it wouldn't hurt so much...

and It was always great to pull Kim in his arms and move to whatever music he decided to play for the night, or when Kim just picked up his book and decided Kamol's lap would be as good a spot as any to just sit and read...

So it became something almost natural, Kim would get his way in Kamol doing anything for him as long as Kamol can indulge himself sometimes in return... it was the kind of indulgence that made Kim happy so he would be winning anyway...

except that he had been in bed tired and sleepy and above all else cranky, while Kamol was in the company working... and he had no tolerance or focus to watch anything and read the subtitles as usual... so he opted to just play anything that can serve as a white noise till his partner came back to him... the exact same partner he told to go that morning, against Kamol's own good judgment

It had been one of the rather bad nights, Kim woke up from a nightmare and failed to fall asleep... despite Kamol tiring him out almost to the level of passing out, his brain still kept working nonstop, which resulted in him being tired and cranky...

Time kept slipping away from him since he dozed on and off all day, He was too tired to focus... too tired to notice that his partner had come back already, turned the TV off and padded softly around the room, dropping a kiss in his hair before collecting his change of clothes and heading to the shower...

but he was not too tired to know the second Kamol joined him in bed and collected him in his arms...

He opened his blurry eyes to see his lover, his partner staring softly at him, fondness and adoration coloring his gaze...

"Still feeling off?"

Kim nodded without saying much, it was becoming easier for Kamol to just read his thoughts when he was like this... Kamol generally excelled in reading him, knowing what he needed even if he didn't himself... and Kim in return was making a study on the man... trying to know every little thing about him...

"Did you eat anything ?"

"Not hungry..."

Kamol tusked in dismay....

"What about letting me take care of you? You don't even have to open your eyes... just let me watch over you... ok ?"

Kim nodded again, he liked that very much, putting everything in Kamol's very capable hands and not worrying about anything, not even opening his eyes...

he felt shifts on the bed before Kamol shifted him to rest on his chest... his back to Kamol's front... soon after a spoon came to touch his lips...

"Open up, Darling..."

He complied, It was warm porridge... made to his liking...

After a couple of spoonfuls, he turned his head to the other side when Kamol offered him more, his stomach disagreeing with him...

He felt the rise of Kamol's chest on a sigh before he heard the sound of glass on the glass as if Kamol dropped the spoon on the plate...

Kim opened his eyes when Silence stretched too much for his liking... Kamol was staring at him fondly...

"Not tired from staring ?"


"Can you play us an episode of that show we have been watching? I cannot find subtitled ones anywhere..."

Kamol smirked slightly...

"Don't worry about that..."

Kim hummed... the soft rise and fall of Kamol's chest were lulling him to sleep... and he didn't want to fall asleep just yet...

Kamol played the episode... again without subtitles...

"Close your eyes and I will tell you what they are saying"

He whispered softly in Kim's ear, hand carding through his hair soothingly...

Kim hummed...

Kamol softly started retelling him the dialogues... voice soft and quiet... Kim could no longer resist the lull of sleep... and this time when he dropped off he didn't wake up till morning...


Kim woke up gradually... The morning light was streaming into their bedroom... and he was alone in bed...

He found a rose on the pillow next to his and smiled, Kamol must have left it for him. He got up and went into the bathroom to shower and prepare for the day ahead of him...

Once he got down the stairs, he heard a voice talking in a foreign language... somewhere deep into the house...

Kamol !!

The voice was coming from somewhere near the dining room... so Kim padded till he saw his partner talking on the phone and pacing the length of the room while a late brunch was being laid down on the table, Kim thought he must have slept more than he realized...

He tried to focus on What Kamol was saying only to realize it was definitely not English and from the sound of it, it didn't sound like Russian as well... he focused harder and came closer to him till he came into his sight field and Kamol turned to him while still on the phone... hand extending in an invitation...

Who he was to decline...

Kamol pulled him in and dropped a quick kiss on his forehead... all the while listening to whoever talking on the phone and answering in curt expressions, before hanging up altogether and turning to Kim to greet him good morning properly...

after a Kiss that took Kim's breath and focus away... He met Kamol's calm eyes with his...

"Was that Korean ?"

Kamol raised his eyebrows in wonder at Kim...


Kim's jaw dropped open in astonishment.

"Since When do you speak Korean ?"

"Years?! I have spoken Korean all over the house since before we met... I... Kim, Darling... What is that smile for now?"

"You are a wonder, Mr. Kamol..."

"Oh, Am I Now?"

Kim nodded...

"Why do I have a feeling that you are going to use that fact to your own advantage..."

"So last week... that Suju ?"


"Yesterday... When you told me not to worry about it?"

"You like the OSTs in that series and I knew that was why you played it... so I only just told you the dialogue till you slept..."

He said it so nonchalantly...Kim was tempted to just coo at him.

"And What If I want to watch the rest of the series before they add the subtitles... would you translate them for me ?"

Kamol chuckled...

"Maybe... with the right incentive..."

"And If we go to Korea... you can translate for me and take me to a concert..."

"Translate to you, Sure.... the concert thingy... no..."

And If Kim whined and sulked and threatened to take Baiboon instead, that was his business...

but despite that all... the rest of the series was watched one episode at a time... with Kim paying the price every time...

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