Chapter 1

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It all started with a case having a stuffy nose…

Kim had been having a cold on and off for a few days now, Which meant that his sense of smell and taste is just messed up to high hell, he cannot taste or smell anything… and it was annoying him to no end especially while cooking…

and If Kim had managed to take something solid out of spending days and days in his mother’s kitchen was the fact that he was a solid cook, because he had been taught early on that food is an act of love on its own… serving food to people you love, making sure you nourish them and make them warm and full is one of the greatest acts of love ever… 

He tried to with Day, but as the love faded so did his passion for the kitchen, it wasn’t until that odd eagerness to cook in Kamol’s house struck him that he realized that he hadn’t cooked for someone in a while… proper while… having Kamol eat from his hand and from the food he cooked for him was extremely fulfilling… 

even after their engagement and now with the fact that they are partners full time, it was still one of the things that made him sure of his love… He might not be able to provide a lot for the man… but he can give him a warm meal made with love any day…

which was why he was annoyed as hell, because a stuffy nose and loss of smell and taste meant that he cannot cook as efficiently anymore, moreover, he cannot taste what he cooked… even If Auntie Nee helped him, he was still lost with his senses… 

Kamol advised him to just rest, resting his senses and actually taking a proper time to recover would be the best course of action…

“I Don’t want you to get worse… You have to rest…”

as sincere as ever and as caring as ever… except that it was not going to work, He had work to do, a household to keep an eye on and a Baiboon to tutor, and moreover, above all else… a person to love…

and since Kim had been ill, Kamol was rarely seen eating anything inside the house, He was busy at the company… but he refrained from eating there as well… always wanting to sit at the table with Kim, regardless…

But Kim is very keen on his beloved… and he can tell he was not eating anything at all… most of the time, he took a couple of bites and then keeps moving the food around and induclging Kim in small conversations till he is distracted enough for Auntie nee to pick up the still full platter…

and it didn’t sit well with him… at all…. Does Kamol worry someone might try to poison him in the house… and if it was so… why he is letting Kim eat… or was he worried Kim is trying to poison him… but then again he was not eating well outside of the house as well… 

The notion that Kamol might be worried that Kim would poison him in a fit of anger… Kinda took over his logic thinking… so Kim did something very Kim-like… 

He trapped Kamol in their room… He planned their dinner to be delivered to their room, locked the door, and watched as Kamol kept moving food around his platter without taking a single bite…

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