► Birthday Party - NSFW ◄

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Warning: Sexual content

The next morning, Shoto woke up with no one beside him. Was it just a dream? It surely felt like one... He thought a little disappointed. Still a little weak, he sat up. He was contemplating whether he should get up, but he wasn't sure if his legs would carry him. In the end, he decided to get up. He didn't know what happened after he collapsed, so he was a little worried about Luca and Shu. They fought alone against the rest of the enemies after all. So, he slowly set his feet on the ground and tried to push himself up. To his shock though, he lost the strength in his legs. 'Shoto!' Vox came rushing into the room and caught him just in time. 'You shouldn't get up yet. You need to recover first' he frowned. 'Sorry... I was just worried about Shu and Luca' Shoto apologized. 'Don't worry. They are fine. It was easy for them to take care of the enemy. I'm really glad, Shu is on our side though. They had no chance at all' Vox laughed while he helped Shoto back onto his bed. 'I could say the same about you guys' they both turned their heads towards the voice. Shu was leaning on the door frame with a relaxed smile on his face. 'Hey Shu' Shoto greeted. 'Eyyy' the other replied while coming into the room. 'How are you feeling, Shoto?' Shu worried. 'A little weak, but I'm fine. Just give me some time and I'm back to normal' Shoto answered. 'That's good to hear. You really shocked us, you know? What were you thinking, fighting in that condition?' Shu scolded him. 'I...' Shoto started but his gaze dropped, leaving his question unanswered. 'Shu, give him some slack. You know, it was hard to make the right decision at that time' Vox defended Shoto. 'I know. I'm not really mad. I was just worried. He could have died. I mean, he nearly did' Shu sighed. 'What's with the gloomy atmosphere?' Ike came in with a glass in his hand. 'Shoto, I'm glad you are up again. Vox informed us a few minutes ago. So, I got you another herbal mixture to improve your blood circulation' he beamed. 'Another?' Shoto wondered. 'Yeah. I made you one when you were unconscious. Vox must have given it to you. You must have woken up, since you had to drink it somehow' Ike said. Vox became a little nervous. 'No... I wasn't...' Shoto started, but was interrupted. 'Yeah. He woke up briefly at one point' Vox intervened and whispered the rest 'I'll tell you later'. He hoped that would be enough as an answer for Ike. Luckily, he didn't pry further into the topic.

'By the way. Where are Mysta and Luca?' Shoto wondered. 'They went into the forest an hour ago' Shu said. 'What?! But, what about the miasma?' Shoto was shocked. 'That's exactly why they went there. We will be taking turns in erasing the rest of the magic circles. I accompanied them for a bit to make sure nothing unexpected happened. But it seems like that scarface was our main enemy so it might be peaceful for a while. We also met Pomu. She was careful at first, but she already seemed to know who we were' Shu reported. 'I'm sorry, you have to take over my mission. If only I wasn't so weak' Shoto was ashamed. 'Hey, what are you talking about. If you had to apologize, then it would be to yourself. You worked way too hard on this mission. And you did more than any of us could have ever done. Heck, you even kicked that scarface's ass' Vox cheered him up. Shoto smiled softly. 'Vox is right. But next time, please rely more on us, ok? I mean except for being your friends, we're your guild members' Shu voiced. 'Ok. You guys really are the best friends I could have ever gotten' Shoto smiled. 'Oh, you' Ike blushed.

'Big brother Shoto!' Celine came running into the room and rushed right into Shoto's arms. Snowball was hopping beside her and snuggled himself into Shoto's side. 'Are you ok?!' she worried with teary eyes. 'Yes. I'm fine. How could I not be when you are here' Shoto winked which made her chuckle. 'I heard that you defeated the bad guys' she beamed. 'Well, a few of them, yes. But I wouldn't have been able to win without the others' Shoto admitted. 'Wow. My brothers are so strong!' she chimed which made everyone laugh. While Celine let go of Shoto, Snowball snuggled himself into Shoto's lap. 'Snowball was worried, too' she chuckled. 'Yeah, thanks for worrying about me' he patted Snowball's head. 'Pui' it sang. 'Celine, would you be so kind and get us some apples for Shoto?' Ike requested. 'Ok!' she sang. 'Thank you' he smiled. As soon as she left the room, Ike started 'Now... We need to talk about Celine's birthday. Shoto, you will focus on your recovery, leave the rest to us. Did you get your birthday present?' he asked. 'Yes, I did. It's safely stored in my shelf' Shoto replied. 'Good, are you okay with starting the party around noon in six days?' it was more of a command than a question. 'Yes' everyone agreed. 'Alright. That's settled then' Ike ended the discussion. As if planned, Celine came back at the right time.

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