► Dark Miasma ◄

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As they entered, there was nothing but quiet, so they assumed that no one was home at the moment. Vox decided to leave his bag next to the entrance so that the others new, they were back. Then he helped Shoto get to his room. Celine was quietly following them with Snowball in her arms as she looked around in astonishment. Everything seemed so big and extravagant. It was intimidating yet comforting. It finally felt like she was starting a new life.

After arriving at Shoto's room, Vox opened the door and sat Shoto down on his bed. 'You should get some rest now' Vox worried. 'Yeah, I will. Don't worry. I'm just a little exhausted' the other assured. 'I'm just gonna wash up and then I will lay down' he added. 'Alright. I'll get you a bucket with clean water' Vox said. 'Okay. Thanks' Shoto replied. As Vox went out of the room, Celine had a look of guilt in her face which alerted Shoto 'Is something wrong, Celine?' he asked. 'I- I'm sorry. This is my fault...' she was dejected. 'No, Celine. It's not your fault. I just overdid it a little. I'm not hurt or anything' he calmed her. She felt a little better after hearing him say that, but she still wanted to do something for him 'Then. Can I help you with anything?' she asked. He thought for a moment 'Yes, you can. I want you to live a happy life from now on. Eat until you are full and wash up, so that you don't get sick. Also, don't forget to play a lot. That would make me very happy' he replied with a smile. Celine's face instantly lit up 'I can do that' she grinned. 'Thank you' he said. After about a minute, Vox came back with a bucket full of water. He used a water stone to fill it and a fire stone to heat it up a little. 'Thanks Vox. I'll be fine now. Can you help Celine and Snowball wash up, too?' Shoto asked. 'Already on it, pretty boy' Vox winked. Shoto only smiled and shook his head. Vox, Celine and Snowball went off to the bathroom where Vox poured water into a big bathtub and warmed it up with the fire stone. Celine only watched in amazement as it was the first time that she witnessed this kind of magic. While Snowball and Celine took their bath, Vox searched for some clothes that could fit her, since her's were ready for the trash bin. But, since there were no children in their household, he could only find one of his pullovers . It was A black one with with a turtleneck. 'Well, I guess she will be wearing a dress for now' Vox chuckled and went to bring her the 'dress'.

On his way there, he met Ike. 'Vox, you are back. How was your journey?' he asked. 'Yeah. It was... eventful. We brought someone with us. Just a little heads up' Vox answered. 'Oh. Is that why you are running around with a pullover in your hand?' Ike concluded. 'Yes, indeed. But, we will need to get her decent clothes, since she is a little small for ours' Vox replied. 'Her? Ah, so it's a child, I assume?' Ike concluded once again. 'You are smart as always. She is around ten years old. But, don't be surprised. She looks a little younger, since she never got enough nutrients to grow' Vox frowned. 'What? Ok... got it. You can introduce her to us later. I don't want to scare her by suddenly appearing in front of her' Ike voiced. 'Alright. Oh. She also got a little friend, but you'll see later' Vox added which made Ike tilt his head with a confused expression.

About half an hour later, they were heading to the kitchen after their bath. Snowball was now completely white. Vox had to change the water a few times because there was so much dirt in it's fur and Celine's hair. Her hair showed a beautiful blond now. 'I guess, that's why your name's Snowball, heh?' Vox realized. 'Pui' it sang. 'And you look like a princess now, Celine' he smiled. 'Really? Yey. I'm a princess in a big castle' she chimed which made Vox chuckle.

Upon arriving in the kitchen, they were greeted by Ike and Luca. 'So that's our newcomer, Ike told me about. Hello there. The name's Luca Kaneshiro. You can just call me Luca' Luca greeted. 'He-Hello. I'm Celine' she replied shyly while hiding behind Vox. Luca came a little too close to her, so she got a little scared. 'Oh, Luca. You shouldn't startle her like that. Give her some space' Ike scolded. Luca apologized while looking like an abandoned puppy and sat back on his chair next to the table. This time, Ike came a little closer, but not too close and kneeled down to her eye level. 'Hello Celine. My name is Ike Eveland. You can just call me Ike if you want. I hope we can become good friends from now on' Ike greeted. Celine felt much safer now and slowly moved from behind Vox to next to him. Ike's gaze wondered to Snowball which was still in her arms. He immediately recognized the fur ball. 'Is that one of the legendary quildren?' he asked in shock. 'I-I don't know what Snowball is' she responded confused. 'Wow. I always wanted to meet one. So your name is Snowball? It fits you very well. It's nice to meet both of you' Ike smiled. Both of them seemed happy and Snowball seemed to sense Ike's kindness since it hopped into his arm with a 'Pui'. That startled Ike slightly, but he soon started petting his new little friend. 'You are so soft my little friend' he complimented which little Snowball appreciated as it nuzzled itself further into Ike's arms. 'Snowball seems to like you' Celine laughed.

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