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▹Trauma dumping

Space heros

Ma lune: help.

[SYSTEM: Divina has gotten online]

Divina: what's wrong Wednesday????

Ma lune: please.

Divina: omw rn to get you

[SYSTEM: Divina has gone offline]

Yuko: what just hapoened

Yuko: are you okay???

[SYSTEM: Ma lune has gone offline]

Yuko: help

Yuko: does anyone know what happened??

Yuko: please I'm actually worried wtf

[SYSTEM: Bianca, Bee boy and Stoner have gotten online]

Bee boy: what happened:(🐝

Stoner: ^

Bianca: Yoko, I'm sure everythings okay there's no need to worry okay?

Yuko: I can't just not worry??? She never just says "help" and then "please" she never fucking does that Bianca. I have every right to be worried.

Bianca: okay okay, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that i swear,, when she comes back online you can ask about it. Is there anything I can do to help?

Yuko: I mean it's not like we can do anything in the first place so not really.

Space heros

Ma lune: gerrrrrrr

Ma lune: I'm alive

[SYSTEM: Mes soleil, Divina, Yuko and Bianca have gotten online]

Mes soleil: Wen where are you.

Yuko: omg are you okay wth

Bianca: emo????

Divina: Wednesday pls where did you go

Ma lune:

GGerrr sordy I didn't mean to send thay

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GGerrr sordy I didn't mean to send thay

Mes soleil: Wen please

Divina: where. are. you.

Ma lune: in ur mom!!!!!

Ma lune: anyway remember when I got stabbed in the gut last yr!!!!! 😨 that hurt really bad and I almost died⁉️ people actually make me want to light myself on fire and I genuinely want to watch myself bleed and suffer in the worst ways possible just because I feel like I deserve it??? Omg so funny. I also vividly remember the time people ran over my pet scorpion when I was younger and laughed about it well holding me back. Remember how many times I've almost died??? Whether it be self inflicted or bc someone almost brutally murdered me! Remember when tyler almost killed me? Remember when rowan almost killed me over a stupid drawing⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ aren't I so lucky 😱 I actually genuinely hate being alive and being on this planet. Wishing they actually killed me⁉️😱

[SYSTEM: Ma lune has gone offline]

Divina: what.


Yuko: She's with me

Bianca: since when???

Yuko: since I found her in the bathroom⁉️⁉️⁉️😱

Mes soleil: is she okay??? What happened. What bathroom are you guys at. Please someone tell me whats going on.

[SYSTEM: Divina has gone offline]

Yuko: near my dorm

[SYSTEM: Mes soleil has gone offline]

Bianca: wth just happened

Space heros

Ma lune: So I'm fine. Not dead, obviously. Sorry for any worry I brought. I'm fine. Just, not allowed to leave my dorm without having someone follow me around for safety purposes now. Yk?

Mes soleil: wen my dearest go to bed

Ma lune: I'm telling them I'm okY

Mes soleil: you can tell them tomorrow 🖤

Ma lune: fine

Ma lune: goodnight everyone 🖤

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