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Yoko love

Ma lune: what if i killed myself

Bianca: excuse me

Yolo😜: stfu. You are not fucking killing yourself.

Ma lune: i said, what IF not that i was

[SYSTEM: mes soleil has gotten online]

Mes soleil: we know, but it's the fact that you're even thinking about it and thinking about what would happen if you actually did that worries us Wen.

Bianca: no because, ik we may not be bestie boos n shit and we might be at each other a bunch but like, I still care about you

Ma lune: wtv, I'll get over it; see ya

[SYSTEM: Ma lune has gone offline]

Yolo😜: what the fuck

Yolo😜: Wednesday

Yolo😜: you aren't just gonna "get over it"

Yolo😜: @Ma lune

Yolo😜: @Ma lune

Mes soleil: @Ma lune

Mes soleil: wen please

Bianca: fuck

[SYSTEM: Divina, Stoner, and Bee boy have gotten online]

Divina: what the fuck is happening

Stoner: whyre you spamming

Bee boy: is Wednesday okay🐝???

Divina: you guys need to calm down

Divina: ik where she is

Divina: enid, you're coming with me

Yolo😜: bro. She's going but I'm not? I wanna make sure she isn't actually fucking dead.

Divina: e is her gf yoko

Yolo😜: okay?? You're taking the one who's currently sobbing and can't think straight and not the one who's been trying to get her to answer for the last 5 minutes?

Mes soleil: we both haev

Divina: both of you come then but stop arguing so we can actually go make sure she's okay.

Bianca: what the fuck

Bee boy: whats happening

Bee boy: please

Bee boy: please tell me she's okay

Stoner: hey, it's okay, take deep breaths she's gonna be okay, do you wanna come over and hang out with me till they find her?

Bee boy: yes, please

Yoko love
𖥔 10:56AM

Ma lune:

 I'm alive

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I'm alive

[SYSTEM: Bee boy, stoner, Bianca, Divina, Mes soleil, and Yolo😜 have gotten online]

Bee boy: are you okay?? What happened? 🐝

Ma lune: just my little depressive episode

Ma lune: (It never left)

Yolo😜: She'll be okay hopefully

Ma lune: I'm in the fucking infirmary, someone get me out of here.

Mes soleil: you can't leave for a day or two

Divina: bc of the condition you're in

Ma lune: I'm fine.

Bianca: sure. If you were fine you wouldn't be in the infirmary

Ma lune: it wasn't like I was bleeding out

Divina: you were.

Ma lune: stfu.

Yolo😜: next time can you please talk to us before you do anything at all, all we wanna do is help you Wednesday and I'm so sorry you feel the way to do but trying to do whatever it is you keep trying to do is a permanent solution to problems that won't last forever even if they feel like they will. Things do get better even if they get worse before they do. Sometimes things get worse before they get better but with time and effort you can make it through it. We are all here for you and we all wanna support you and help you in anyway possible so please even if it's only one of us that you talk to, talk to someone. It can be a few words, or even one, just please say something.

Ma lune: I

Ma lune: fine.

Ma lune: thank you.

Mes soleil: I love you Willow❤

Ma lune: I love you too Mes soleil 🖤.

Yoko love
𖥔 1:32PM

Mes soleil:

Mes soleil:

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Ma lune: uhhhh

Yolo😜: you aren't supposed to be out of the infirmary.. 😶

Ma lune: Im not

Mes soleil: we're just sitting together by a wall😞

Yolo😜: oh okay‼️

Divina: 😠


Okay so like I apologize for how long I was gone, I'm gonna update my other books soon I promise I just needed something to get me back into writing😞 basically, I got severe writers block and then lost motivation to write because my mental health got rlly bad uhhhh I almost died (I'm fine) and then just didn't have the motivation to write for a long time but now I realized how long it's actually been so heyyy I'm back😋 I hope you're all doing okay‼️ make sure to eat something and drink water❤

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