~~~{Chapter 32:Cosmic Dragon God & Decision}~~~

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(Eien's Pov)
?????:It's been ah long time,my King.
Ryos:Indeed it has...
[I look up and see Cathon....

[My eyes widen from his size]Ryos:

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[My eyes widen from his size]
Ryos:...my dear friend.
Cathon:I see you found the child I brought forth.
Me:*Surprised*So you really were the one who brought me from my home world?
Cathon:Yes,after Acnologia attacked me and stole some of my power I was gravely injured and so I returned here to the land of my birth.But knowing that Ancologia would undoubtedly begin a reign of terror throughout many other worlds I decided to find a mighty champion to bring forth to put a end to the Black Dragon of Tyranny.Soon I found you and saw in you not only your unfathomable potential,but also the same strength which my King had possessed.The strength to fight regardless of the odds in order to protect the innocent and you're loved ones.(I'm surprised)And so upon seeing you collapse I made the choice to call you forth,bringing you to the world you now reside tho you becoming the host of my King was a unexpected event it was quite a welcomed one.

Ryos:Well then Cathon will you stand by us as we fight against the tyrant?

Cathon:*Chuckles*Do you even need to ask my King?(I feel a surge of power go thru my body and look at my hands)Congratulations young one you've gained my powers(I'm surprised)the power of the Cosmos,which allows you to not only traverse worlds but also call upon the primordial energy of the Universe to add you in battle.

[I'm stunned by this and smile]
Ryo:Well for now Cathon shall we head back to the Mortal Realm?

Cathon:Of course,allow me to change into a more suitable form.

[He begins to glow I squint my eyes and soon it dies down revealing.....]

[We all smile]Ryos:Damn it's been centuries sense I saw that form(Cathon chuckles)well then let's head back

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[We all smile]
Ryos:Damn it's been centuries sense I saw that form(Cathon chuckles)well then let's head back.
[Cathon nods and then we're all engulfed in a violet light,I close my eyes for a few seconds and then reopen them seeing the others all looking at us surprised]
Liz:*Surprised*Eien you're back?
Cathon:My it's been a long time since I was in the Underworld.(Everyone looks at him as he looks at Michael,Azazel,and Odin)Ah hello Michael,Azazel,Odin how have you kids been?
[They're surprised]
Me:Oh um....everyone....this is Cathon(They go wide eyed)the Cosmic Dragon God...
[They're all frozen in shock]
Ddraig:*In-Shock*L-Lord Cathon...it's....it's a honor to meet you again...

Albion:*In-Shock*I-Indeed....it's a great honor.

Cathon:Ah Ddraig,Albion I haven't seen you kids since you were hatchlings.It seems you two have found interesting hosts.
[They both hum in agreement]
Ryos:Well then Cathon let's catch you up on everything we know.

[Everyone nods and then we begin explaining what we've learned]

(Timeskip a Few Hours Later)
I'm laying in bed with Liz,Kuroka,Koneko,and Xenovia thinking about what Cathon mentioned.".....Could Acnologia try taking over both worlds?"
Ryos:"Knowing him yes he's extremely arrogant,even among dragons.So the chances of him simply using this All for One as a toy is all but certain."
Me:"Meaning my family are probably endanger right now........"
Ryos:".....You know All for One is a ally to Acnologia,so isn't he also are enemy?(I stop understanding what he means by this)And since we're fairly certain we know where he is or at least in the general area he is then it wouldn't be hard to go track him down"
Me:"Good idea Ryos"
Ryos:"*Chuckles*Well let's save that for tomorrow"

(Timeskip Next Day)
I'm standing with Liz,Kuroka,Cathon,Sirzechs,Serafall,Grayfia,Azazel,Vali,Odin,His Bodyguard Rossweisse,and Rias & The Others.We already explained what Ryos mentioned last night and after we did everyone understood that finding All for One meant taking out Ancologia's Ally.So it was decided that a group of us would go to my home world.
Me:So,so far we got Me,Liz,Kuroka,Vali,Rias & her Peerage,Irina,Rossweisse,and Azazel.Anyone else?
????:I would like to go as well.
[We all look seeing Sona,Tsubaki,and Saji coming over]
Liz:You're just curious about what Eien's home world is like aren't you?
Sona:Yes I am...
Me:.....Alrighty then.
Cathon:There's still someone who wishes to go as well(We look at him and he looks up)right Ophis?
[We all look up seeing her,she floats down landing beside me]
Ophis:Cathon been awhile...
Cathon:Yes is has,so you wish to come as well?
Ophis:Yes...(She looks at me)I've decided(I raise eyebrow and she steps forward)I want you to be my mate.
[We're all surprised and I blush]
Ryos:HAHAHAHA Well then Ophis you know he already has an Alpha,so you should ask her as well.

[She nods and looks at Liz]
Liz:*Nervous*W-Well....if Eien's okay with it....then so am I.
Me:*Blushing*......W-Well are you Ophis?(She nods)Al-Alright.(She shows a small smile and hugs me).....Well Ehem everyone ready?
[They all nod]
Cathon:Well then(We look at him seeing a portal appear behind him)shall we?
[We all nod and begin to walk thru the portal appearing.......]

To Be Continue......

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