Chapter 8: More Help

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In another part of the hotel, Shawn finally manages to make it, before scopes the area, making sure it is clear.

Shawn: Dammit....where are they?

After making their way through parts of the Kronos quarantine zone, Kyle, Sarah and Rachel get inside of a building when they hear a voice yelling.

Survivor: Run!

Kyle, Shawn and Sarah look through the window and see a couple of people running away from the Reaper military Humvee.

Kyle: Oh, fuck. Down. Down.

The three kneel down as they see the two people get gunned down.

Rachel: What do we do?

Kyle: Nothing.

Survivor: No...

The three hear a gunshot ring out and slightly look up to see that Reapers had killed the two people.

Reaper: Busy couple a days, huh?

Reaper: Whatever, bro. Fuck. No food, old pair of shoes. They ain't got shit. Let's go.

Reaper: Alright...

They get into the Humvee and drive away.

Rachel: Damn it....

Sarah: There wasn't anything we could do.

Rachel: I's just...fuck...

Kyle: Let's just get to that bridge.

The three start to leave.

The three go through a door to their left then up the stairs.

Bandit: Well, at least the Reapers finally killed that couple. I was sure they were gonna make it out of the city. Now, they'll hand that fuckin truck group.

The three crouch down and look around the corner.

Bandit: There were only four people in that truck, right? How the fuck did they wipe out half the crew?

Bandit: Let's keep searching so we can find these pricks and the Reapers can fucking leave. I don't like them using our killing grounds to look for that guy.

Bandit: Well, turns out it goes back deeper than just a kill. This ones personal. Heard a rumor that these assholes killed the leader of the Reapers son.

Bandit: So? From what I hear, his son had it coming to him.

Kyle, Sarah and Rachel lean in close to the corner until they see a bandit come up. Luckily, he didn't see them and Kyle jumped up, grabbed him and starts to strangle him. The three make their way through this building until they come up to a hallway, that seemed to have been blown out as to their left lead outside. The three jump down from there and make their way outside, passing the tall abandoned towers and buildings.

Bandit: hear they finally caught that dude, the woman and their boy?

Kyle, Shawn and Sarah hide behind an abandoned cop car.

Bandit: Who's left then. Just the two guys, the woman and the kid, right?

Bandit: Yeah, them...That's a goddamned mess.

The bandits patrol as Sarah pulls out another nail bomb and throws it in the street as it clanks on the concrete, which catches the bandits attention. They walk over to where they heard the noise until the bomb explodes, killing them. Kyle, Shawn and Sarah stand up and walk down a street to see some dead Zeus Corps Soldiers with a note spray painted on the wall above them.

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