Chapter 1

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I look down at the tip money in my hand from my shift and feel nothing but dread. 130 dollars in tips and it's barely enough to cover some of my living expenses. I can pay my phone bill and some groceries, but everything else will have to wait.

"Fuck." I run my fingers through my hair trying to figure out what went wrong tonight. I work my ass off for 12 hours straight and this is the thank you that I get. I can't survive even two days on this. I was supposed to get an oil change on my car, but it is just another thing that is going to have to wait. 

"Hey, Tally, are you done for the night?"

I see my boss, Frank coming over to where I'm sitting. He can be a prick sometimes, but when no one is around, he's nice to me.

"Yeah, I'm done. Just going over my tips."

"What's the total?"

"130." I shake my head and shove the money in my back pocket.

"Sorry, kid. You know how it is in this bar. There are good nights and some bad nights."

I've been working at this bar for more than a year and there have been more bad nights than good. On a normal day, I get nearly groped by men twice my age, I get alcoholic beverages spilled on me at least once by an obnoxious drunk and I've been called almost every name in the book, but I haven't quit. I can't afford to. With my salary and tips, I'm barely making it.

"Yeah, I understand." I smile at Frank, noticing how tired he looks. It's 3:30 am and the last alcoholics have just left. The other bartender left for the night, but I always stay to help clean up. I also stay to watch Frank.

5 months ago, some scumbags robbed the place. They knocked Frank around and broke nearly everything. Since then, I keep an eye on him.

"You'll do better tomorrow night. I feel it in my bones."

 "You feel the rain in your bones even if it's sunny and 70. I don't think I trust your bones anymore."

Frank laughed and patted my back. "When it comes to you, my bones are right. Now come on, let's get out of here. I'll walk you to your car."

After shutting off the lights and locking up, we leave at the same time, heading in different directions.

When I get back to my tiny rundown apartment, I quietly enter without waking my roommate Kate. I make my way to the kitchen for something to eat and when I open the fridge, I see a ham sandwich in saran wrap with a sticky note on top.

Hope work went well. Here's a snack. -K

Kate has always been the mother-type of the place. She's only 6 years older than me but thinks of herself as my older sister. She gives me curfews and bedtimes (still keeping in mind that I will be 24 next month) and even lectures me when I make bad decisions. I try to act like it does not get under my skin, but it does. I know she wants what is best for me, but I need space that she doesn't give me. 

I take the sandwich out and pour myself a glass of wine before sitting on the couch to watch whatever is on at this time of the night.

I take my shoes off my aching feet and prop them up on the coffee table as I turn the TV on, lowering the volume. This was the only time of the night I got some peace and quiet besides when I'm sleeping. As tired as I am, I just like to sit here and reflect on the day while I eat.

I know my life isn't ideal, but I try to remain healthy and positive. I exercise every morning at the gym a mile down the road and drink lots of water as well as a glass of red wine every night or two, pending on what kind of day I had. It's hard sometimes and I want to give up almost every day, but I push the negativity out and keep going.

After I finished my sandwich and wine, I went to my room. Stripping my beer-stained clothing, sleep weighs heavily on me. Working my ass off for bad pay isn't what I saw for myself at 23 and a half, but then again, life has been throwing me for a loop for a long time. Surprise is never an element anymore.

*** 5 hours later, I woke up to the smell of perfume. I see Kate standing in a towel in my open closet.

"What are you doing?"

"I need a shirt for work."

"You have over twenty blouses in your closet, Kate. Can't you wear your own shirts? I allowed you to borrow two shirts and never got them back."

"I know, but I want to change it up a bit and borrow one of yours." She talks as if we wear the same size. At 30 years old, her body is much different than mine. My clothes fit me since I'm toned, but on her, she fills the clothing with curves and bigger breasts. A few seconds later, she pulls out a black sleeveless blouse with black lace in the front.

"Perfect." Perfect for her means finding a shirt that she thinks what makes her breasts look good.

"I better get that back." I groan as I roll over to go back to sleep. I try to never wake up before 12.

Unfortunately, Kate doesn't understand that method. Leaning against my closet door, she sighed. "How was work?"

"It was work. Let me sleep."

"How much did you make?"


"That's it?"

"It was a bad night."

"Well, whatever I make tonight, I'll split with you."

Kate works at a high-end restaurant and her tips are always better than mine. I've considered working there, but the manager is a guy I used to date a few years back and intimacy was something I was not fully into at the time. It didn't end well, and I'd hate to be around him for 12 hours straight. While we dated, he always tried to pressure me into doing things when I didn't want to. I gave in two or three times, but after a while, things felt awkward, so I broke things off. Kate doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't need her losing the only job she has due to a physical altercation because of me.

"You don't have to, Kate. I'll be fine. Tonight, will be better. Now, please let me sleep. I'm exhausted."

"Sleep well, my little Tally."

"Don't call me that."

She laughed. "Sorry. But I made you lunch. It's in the fridge."

"Thank you. Please leave now."

After she leaves, I fall back to sleep, peacefully.

My alarm goes off at noon and I roll over feeling like the few hours I had were simply not enough. Getting up, I put on a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra. After I tied my Nike sneakers, I grabbed my bag and walked the one-mile distance to the gym.

 *** Two hours later: I leave the gym, covered in sweat. The shower welcomed me the moment I entered and washed myself until I was clean. With my increased energy, I quickly finished and went to the kitchen to eat the lunch that Kate made me. As I ate, I went through my phone and checked my email. I don't have many friends, so my phone doesn't get any attention and I barely date since I have no time for it, so I don't have any potential men. 

On my off days, I'm usually sleeping. Every now and then, Kate drags me out of bed to go shopping or get our nails done but I'm a total hermit besides that. Which is fine with me. I've never really been big into having a social life or romance life. I don't usually sleep around with anyone, considering the fact that I've only been with 2 guys (pretty pathetic it seems) but my job was the main priority, men were the last on my list.

When it gets closer to 3, I finish getting ready in the bathroom. As a bartender who works mainly for tips, I still want to make some extra effort to do good. Tonight, it's a simple V neck dress and a pair of black Vans. I put loose curls in my hair and a little makeup. Taking one last glance at myself in the mirror, I grabbed my purse and left.  

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