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20** will always be known as the year that the Hero Billboard Chart broke.

The Hero Billboard Chart JP. It's a yearly event that announces the official rankings of Japanese Pro Heroes. It invites all Heroes from across Japan, to witness the birth of new top Heroes and the fall of the old ones. The rankings are decided by taking several factors into account, the level of strength a hero has displayed, the number of cases they have solved, their general popularity, and their overall contribution to society.

But taking in all those factors and ranking each Hero accordingly has never been an easy feat. Which is why in 20** those in charge decided to do something different. A complex computer algorithm was designed. One that would flawlessly rank each hero across Japan, as long as you typed in the right information.


"Gran Torino. You're the last person i'd expect to see here."

Gran Torinio looked over to his right just in time to see the Symbol of Peace, All Might, take a seat next to him. Gran Torino was currently sitting in the middle of the fifth row, the aisle about 20 feet from him.

The event was once again being held in the Billboard Chart arena where 1000's of Heroes gathered for this particular show.

"Well, that headache of mine dragged me along. Bothered me for weeks straight for this." Gran Torino grumbled.

As much as Gran Torino liked to complain about her, All Might could see the look of fondness in his eyes whenever he mentioned her.

"I also heard they were using a new piece of technology for the rankings this year, I figured it wouldn't hurt to see it in person." Gran Torino grunted, casting a glance at the big screen on stage. Which would soon present the new rankings to the whole of Japan in just a few minutes.

All Might peered at the screen. "I heard about that too, though I'm not quite sure how different things will be this year because of it."

Usually, the rankings would be dramatically announced by a person reading from an envelope on stage. And the ones announced would leave their seats and walk a red carpet down the aisle to the stage. Though the huge wall-covering screen at the top of the stage was something new that All Might didn't know how to feel about yet.

Gran Torino nodded, he had thought about that too. "Worried that you'll lose your Number 1 spot?"

All Might laughed. "Not really, besides, rankings never mattered to me in the first place." All Might's grin faltered. "I'm just worried about the problems this thing could cause."

Maybe he was just getting old, I mean what kind of trouble could a giant TV cause?

As it turns out, a lot.

The lights dimmed, and the chatter filling up the arena halted, Gran Torino's reply was cut short.

The stage lights turned on revealing a woman in a suit with a microphone standing next to the screen. She smiled. "Heroes, and Heroines, press members, and all the citizens watching from home. I present to you the Top 10, 20** Hero Rankings!"

Claps and cheers emitted from the crowd as the giant screen turned on. It lit up white, the words "Top 10, 20** Hero Rankings" headlined the screen. There were ten blank rectangular boxes on the screen, all numbered.

The dimmed lights were switched off, bringing everyone's focus to the only light source in the room. The Hero Billboard.

"Drums, please!" The announcer lady shouted. A drum like music started to play, building up tension in the room. The excitement that was already there only got worse as the entire arena awaited in anticipation. So much potential for change, a moment in history, everything was about to go down in just a few seconds.

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