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The sludge on the katanas dripped onto the pavement. Your eyes were set on the monster in front of you, the grin on your face was absolutely terrifying.

Still staring, you flicked your katanas in the air in an effort to clean them. The sludge fell off in that one fluid motion hitting the hard pavement with a slap.

The monster's eyes were wide. You were now standing three feet in front of him. A quick, dangerous hero, with two deadly weapons. One who had managed to expertly evade all of his attacks. At first the monster was cocky, not once had you shown any evidence of a quirk, he thought that defeating you was going to be easy.

Now he was confused, was your quirk internal? Some kind of speed enhancer? Maybe something to do with those swords of yours? There was no way you were evading all his attacks without a quirk.

He was starting to realize just how much of a threat you were.

You didn't move, only stared, waiting for him to make the first move. You wanted to get this fight over with fast, Bakugo was in danger. But you couldn't rush the fight, one wrong move and it was game over.

The monster's attacks became worse from there. More tentacles, more speed, he was desperate to get a hold of you. He was no longer focused on Bakugo or Midoriya, all his attention was on you.

Just the way you liked it.

You sliced and cut every one his attacks with alarming speed and precision. All the years of training came back and suddenly it was instinct.

Instead of moving towards the villain like every other hero would have done, you stood your ground. Feet planted on the road. You focused solely on stopping the monsters attacks.

And of course, this confused the civilians.

"What is she doing?"

"Why isn't she trying to rescue the kids?"

"Is she even trying to stop the villain?"

"Why isn't she using a quirk? She can't be quirkless."

"There's no way a top hero is quirkless, that's nonsense!"

Public opinion of you may have gotten better since the rankings, but it wasn't perfect, one wrong move and your hero career was over.

It was only the veteran heroes that could grasp your plan. They could tell just from the angle of your blades and the extra movements in your cuts. Your plan was brilliant.

With every cut you were subtly flicking the slime out of the monsters reach.

You were taking away it's only weapon.

The fruits of your labor were slowly starting to show. The villain was getting smaller as you took away it's slime. But you knew that it would eventually catch on, and all your hard work would go down the drain.

"Just die, already!!" The villain screamed in frustration as slime after slime attack came at you.

"Oh come on, don't you have better threats then that?" You taunted.

Bakugo watched as you stood there and stopped the villain's attacks. He watched as you made no move to help him as he was drowning in slime. As Midoriya's life became more in danger by the second.

Bakugo blinked, closed his eyes for a fraction of a second, and suddenly, you were gone.Vanished without a trace. Bakugo's eyes widened, searching frantically fo—

A black shadow moved out of the corner of his eyes. And then you were there, standing right beside him, whispering in his ear. A plan that has been forming in your head since the beginning.

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