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Months Later


It was chaos. Rubble strewn everywhere caused by an explosion that left huge scattered fires along with the rubble. Smoke and panic filled the streets. The civilians struggled to get to safety. And standing right in the middle of the chaos; an alleyway blocked off the police, was a huge green sludge monster.

Seconds after it had been released it grabbed, and was attempting to absorb a civilian boy named Katsuki Bakugo.

Three heroes and two police officers were on the scene. Two of the heroes had left their jurisdiction to help out.

"He's taken someone hostage!!"

A hero named Death Arms rushed through the fires right at the monster. "HOW DARE YOU PRAY ON A CHILD!!"

Jumping high in the air he gathered his strength behind his right fist. In a fluid, powerful motion, he punched the villain right in the side.

The sludge monster only peered his eyes at Death Arms before slowly absorbing its fist.

"What the hell is this?!" Death Arms yelled in panic. "Some kind of goo?!"

With a growl the monster flung Death Arms right into a nearby metal building. He collapsed against it.

"Are you okay, Death Arms?" The other two heroes rushed forward.

The sludge monster formed a fist and slammed it against a building. He grinned evilly at the heroes.

"Stay back or I'll snap his neck." He threatened.

At that moment his hostage, Katsuki Bakugo attempted to free himself from the monster. In a desperate struggle his face broke through with a yell.

"You picked the wrong guy to mess with!" Bakugo screamed. "IM GONNA SEND YOU BACK TO WHATEVER SEWER YOU CRAWLED OUT OF!!"

A small explosion was set off inside the sludge monster. "LET ME GO!!!" At his words a giant burst of explosions went off. Filling the street and even pushing back the heroes closest.

Bakugo continued to struggle, trying to pull himself away from the monster with all the strength he could muster. But it wouldn't let him go, the tendrils of goo still clinging to him, strapping him to the villain.

"You've got so much power. I've really hit the jackpot!" The monster grinned.

The heroes stared in horror as the villain's tendrils moved and expanded in the air.

Behind the police barricade, civilians watched in fear and curiosity.

"Woah, is that some kind of special move?" A civilian wondered. "This deud is a legit supervillain."

Thundering footsteps neared the street. The civilians gasped. "It's her! That new hero Mount Lady will stop him!"

Mount Lady halted to a stop, sticking one foot into the beginning of the street, she gasped. "My only weakness! I need at least a two lane road if I'm gonna make my way through here!"

The Hero Kamui Woods appeared and used his branches to grab up four civilians.

"Fire and wood don't exactly make a good combination!" He shouted at the other heroes as he brought the civilians to safety. "I'll let someone else stop this guy!"

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