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If there was one thing that pissed you off the most in this world, it was fake heroes. Heroes that only did the bare minimum and ended up causing more damage than they fixed.

These ones made you especially angry. There were five of them. Five of them. And yet when the sludge monster was choking out a civilian, they couldn't do anything. They refused to do anything. Sure two of them got the rest of the civilians to safety, but that was it.

The five of them had stood there and watched Bakugo almost die. For fucks sake even a middle schooler had more balls then the rest of them.

Before you could get even more pissed you decided to shut the heroes up.

"Hey! Why don't you guys make yourselves useful and get this slime into some garbage bags! We'll give it to law enforcement for detainment." You yelled at them.

And because of your reputation they immediately snapped into action. Not even able to look you in the eyes they started cleaning up the slime and gathering it into the garbage bags like you said.

Once the police had arrived, the garbage bags were hauled into the back of a van putting him into police custody.

All while this was happening civilians and reporters were swarming you with thanks and questions. It was like a meet and greet event. Except you didn't want to meet them and they wanted to do more then just greet you.

After you managed to shoo away the crowds, you breathed a sigh of relief. Now all you had to do was finish up here, and then you could leave.

"You moron! Do you have a death wish?"

The abrasive scolding that sounded all to similar to Kita grabbed your attention. Looking up, you spotted Midoriya, kneeling in the rubble, two heroes standing over him.

Midoriya flinched at their words, looking down in shame.

"There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger like that!"

Oh, really?

"You two, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Walking up to Midoriya, you fixed the two heroes with a glare.

Death Arms gulped. "We were just-. Well-."

"Well, what? Because it looks to me like you're yelling at a kid who's just been put through hell, and instead should be in the back of an ambulance." You remarked, unable to keep the anger out of your voice.

"That's not-. I mean-."

Death Arms finished the other heroes thought.

"That's the own kids fault! We were just scolding him about it. He jumped into the fight, when we had it under control."

The more he talked the worse it got. You were in disbelief. How dare, these heroes try and blame Midoriya. And like hell they had it under control. These idiots were watching Bakugo die. They had nothing under control. And now they were making excuses for their shitty behavior.

"It's his fault? Are you blaming the victim for his injuries, Death Arms? And surely if you had it under control there would've been no reason for me to step in. But I did. Because you were too busy being cowards on the side lines!" You hissed, your voice raised, the anger in you rising.

I can't believe they're trying to pin the blame on this kid.

"Cowards!? Lady, we were doing our job! This kid jumped head first into danger, he got in the way, that's why we weren't doing anything!" Death Arms became defensive, the people walking by and watching the argument play out made him panicky.

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