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You stood nearby while the medics tended to Midoriya and Bakugo's wounds. Thankfully, nothing had been broken, they just had a lot of nasty cuts and bruises.

Their parents had been contacted, so you were just standing with them until they showed up.

The crime scene was already cleaned up, and as the minutes passed, the heroes that were getting interviewed by the press were clearing out.

And as the last hero left, all eyes turned to you.

You didn't know if you were imagining it, but the hungry look in the reporters eyes caused you to stiffen. When it only took them a second to surround you, never more have you ever wanted to be off duty so bad. The flashing lights were blinding as the reporters shoved their mics and cameras in your face.

"Unnamed hero, over here!"

"Does your Quirk have something to do with the swords that you used against the monster?!"

"How were you able to defeat the monster with no visible Quirk!?"

"Do you have a hero name picked out yet!?"

"Why is your hero suit so plain!?"

"Anything to say about the new 0 Rank from the Commission!?"

They continued to ask the same questions over and over again, the questions that you couldn't answer, the questions that everyone wanted to know the answer to.

You needed to leave, that was your automatic response, ignore and leave. Before you could think, you were already on top of the ambulance, ready to disappear onto the roof tops. And just as you were about to a voice called out.

"Wait! Zero!"

You froze, heart skipping a beat. Zero?

You glanced down, there stood Midoriya, a nervous look on his face. He froze up as he realized that his words had caught the attention of everyone in the vicinity, especially the reporters. Which was usually not a good sign.

"Crap! Sorry! I just—you don't have a hero name. A-And I've been taking notes on you—Not in a creepy way!" Midoriya explains, his voice shaky. "It's j-just a hobby, and I-I've been calling you Zero in the notes, because well...because of your ranking! Which was really cool by the way! It's not every day that a new rank is added, and well—."

"Shut it, Deku." An annoyed Bakugo mutters.

Midoriya stops talking, laughing awkwardly. "S-Sorry."

You paused, not really knowing what to say. His words made you look at him in a new light. This was definitely a moment you were going to remember. You hopped down from the ambulance, a soft smile on your face as you approached the green haired boy.

"No worries kid, Zero sounds pretty cool, better then what these guys have been calling me." You gesture to the reporters, a grin on your face.

Surprisingly, the reporters left after that, apparently your interaction with Midoriya was enough to feed them. Content, you said goodbye to the boys when their parents arrived.

And from that day forward, your face was plastered all over every news outlet. Not as the 'unnamed', but as Zero.


Two days later, after your patrol was over, you arrived on Gran Torino's porch. Before you could even knock, the door was swung open. Standing right in front of you, the old man gave you a small nod.

"It took a few months, but you did it...Zero." He grinned.

"I did it." You smiled. "Now onto the next step."

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