Chapter 4: The border to Ferox (pt 1)

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Narrator: After beating bandits and evil Pokemon, Chrom, Robin, Florian, and Arven went back to Ylisstol. They needed a way to defend against the bandits and risen trying to get to the town.

"Brother, ask the Feroxi to aide us. They will listen."

"Wa-" Arven tried to speak but was shushed by Florian.

"You do know she's the queen right?"

Chrom then went back to speaking.

"Alright sister Emmeryn. We shall."

Chrom, Robin, Arven, Florian, and the rest of the army went ahead to the rather cold Ferox border. They had to deal with way more Pokemon and brigands. There were lots of new Pokemon. Chrom and Robin even went on a catching spree, as did the other shepherds.

Chrom caught a Shinx, Robin caught an Eevee, Lissa caught an Eevee as well, Frederick caught a Starly, and the others caught some Pokemon.

Soon, the group reached the rather snowy Ferox. No trace of life could be seen as the snow blistered down among them. White plagued their eyes. There was snow left and right. There was only dead grass. Ice type Pokemon like Snover wandered the vast open snowy area. Everyone started to feel cold.

"F-Frederick, I-I'm s-so cold!"

Lissa hopped on Frederick's horse. This in turn made Lissa a bit warmer, but not that much.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Arven suddenly felt hungry, which in turn made him stand up.

The others turned to look at him.

"Is your idea portable jackets that you will throw at all of us?" Virion asked sharply, shivering as his jacket wasn't doing him favors.

Arven went into his other bag, took it off his back, and then set up a picnic.

"A picnic in the snow? That's crazy!" Vaike shouted in awe.

"According to physics, that table should be sinking or flying away." Miriel said. "However, this is not the case."

"Well, this is what me and Florian used to do in Glaseado Mountain when we got cold."

Arven and Florian started taking out plates, knives, sandwich bags, and other things to start making a sandwich. Robin started to put it all together. He remembered that in the Galar region, they would make curry. And in Paldea, they made sandwiches. And this would help with the cold. The Paldean duo started making the sandwich, as well as boiling water. This would become the Spicy Jambon-Beurre.

"A Jambon-Beurre with a spicy twist. If you like a sandwich with some kick to it, don't miss this." Florian started acting like a cook on a TV show as he detailed how to make it.

Florian took out the bread, and put ham on it. Then, Arven started spreading a lot of butter on it.

"How will a sweet sandwich help us now?" Chrom questioned.

The 2 started putting spicy herba mystica that they got a while back. Surprisingly, there was a lot left from when titan pokemon were roaming around.

"And... we're done!"

Everyone started to chow down on the insanely spicy sandwich. While Florian and Arven were content, the others were surprised to eat a spicy sandwich.

"MMM-I-I'm fine."-Chrom

"Ahh. Hot."-Frederick


"Well, I've never experienced this before!"-A now fully awake Stahl

"The Vaike can handle-AHHH-"-Vaike

And the others had similar expressions. Even Robin was on the verge of screaming, but nothing came out.

And soon, Ferox was reached. But there was one problem, the border guards.

"Halt! Who goes there?" The guard named Raimi asked.

"I am Chrom of the Shepherds."

"Nice try brigand. We've seen people say that they're Alm of the deliverance or Chrom of the shepherds. Show how a real shepherd fights!"

The army's footsteps could be heard from miles away as they started marching into battle. Arrows flew from archers, making Chrom have to dodge each one.

(Part 1 over)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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