Chapter 4

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"Oh my goodness Erica! Again?!?" Erica's mother yelled waking her up. Erica immediately noticed she had wet the bed again and started crying. "There, there baby" her mother consoled her, "why didn't you tell me you were wetting the bed?"

Erica tried to explain it had just started but her mother had none of it. "Go get showered and then we'll go to the store. You'll need to wear some diapers."

Erica's heart sank. She had just been broken up with, moved back with her mother, and now is wearing diapers again. She felt pathetic.

As they went to leave for the store, Erica went to the bathroom again, adhering to her mother's request. They arrived at Walmart and Erica immediately felt anxious, like everyone was watching her. They immediately walked to the adult incontinence aisle next to the pads and tampons. Erica looked and initially saw a couple diapers that were specifically for bed wetting. A depends option:

And an assurance option:

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And an assurance option:

Erica grabbed the depends diapers but her mother grabbed an additional package, saying "you seemed to go an awful lot the past few nights

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Erica grabbed the depends diapers but her mother grabbed an additional package, saying "you seemed to go an awful lot the past few nights. We should get you something more absorbent." Her mother then grabbed these:

" Her mother then grabbed these:

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Erica's heart sank. These looked huge. They were giant baby diapers essentially. Her mother then said they would need more supplies, walking around the store grabbing baby wipes, baby powder and vasoline. Then to her dismay, her mother decided to go grocery shopping as well, going up and down every aisle with her giant diapers in the cart on display. Erica attempted to hide behind her mother pushing the cart like a scared child on the playground. Erica started to feel the urge to pee, but decided against going, just hoping to get the shopping over as soon as possible. Before checking out her mother asked if she needed the bathroom and Erica lied, saying no. They checked out and left in the car and Erica's need to pee had gone from slight to dire in a matter of minutes. Erica hadn't been keeping track of how long she could hold it, but she thought for sure 10 minutes to drive home would be fine.

Erica's mother looked across to her daughter squirming in the passenger seat and asked what was wrong. Erica then told her she just had to pee, to which her mother responded, "I just asked if you had to go in the store, why didn't you go then?" To which Erica replied, lying "I didn't have to go then." They proceeded to hit just about every red light on the drive but she had held up until they were only about 2 minutes from home. A momentary lapse in concentration sent a warm burst of ore into her seat. Her grey leggings would do nothing to hide the damage. She continued to hold on until they pulled into her street when she lost another spurt. Finally once parked in the driveway, Erica rushed to get out, but standing up from the car she lost control entirely. She stood there on the passenger side of the car peeing her pants like a toddler. Overwhelmed with emotion and embarrassment she began to cry.

Her mother walked to that side of the car and saw the damage. "There, there baby", her mother consoled her, "it's okay, accidents happen, we'll get you all cleaned up." They walked inside and her mother instructed her to wait in the bathroom for her. Erica stood there in her wet pants when her mother came back holding the baby powder, wipes, and the package of depends. "Until you get better about using the potty, you'll need to wear some pull-ups." Erica cried and protested saying she didn't need them during the day, but her efforts were futile wearing wet pants. Her mother peeled off her pants and wipers are legs and pubic area before having her step into her pull-up. Her mother then kissed her forehead and said to get dressed for lunch. Erica changed into a sun dress before joining her mother.

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