Chapter 5

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After eating lunch, Erica's mother told her to use the bathroom before she could watch TV. She was no longer asking if she had to go, her mother is now fully telling her what to do. Erica questioned herself, how could she go from an independent woman living on her own to a diaper wearing child who needs her mom to tell her when to go "potty" in a matter of days. She sat down on the toilet with no intention of going, keeping her diaper up and scrolling through her phone for a few minutes before flushing to make it seem like she tried. She scrolled through and saw her ex recently changed his profile to single and she started crying. All their photos were gone. 3 years wiped off the earth. The 2 minute expectation turned to 20 before she actually got the urge to pee. Sitting on the toilet, Erica peed without thinking twice. She started to feel warm and damp before remembering she hadn't pulled down her diaper. What could she do? She couldn't tell her mom she peed in it on the toilet. She'd know she wasn't trying to go.

Erica decided to do nothing, she flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and sat back on the couch to watch TV. After about an hour her mother came into the room and paused the TV. "Time for a potty break." Her mother said.

Erica, finally decided to protest, saying, "mom, I'm an adult, I just went an hour ago, when I have to go, I'll go."

To which her mother replied, "I wish it wasn't necessary for me to tell you, but you're not taking care of the bathroom needs yourself." Erica protested more, beginning to whine more so.

"Why do you care that much now? Did you have an accident?" Her mother asked. Erica's face went red, she was the worst lier, and had no poker face.

Erica responded, "no, of course not". Her mother then walked over to the couch and told her to stand up. Erica stood up and her mom lifter her dress.

"Erica, you're soaked! Did you feel like you had to go?" Her mother asked. Erica just shook her head no and started to cry. Her mother then left and came back with a new pull-up, having Erica step out of the wet one and into a new dry one. "Because you lied to me about being dry before, I'm going to have to start checking you" her mother added.

Later that day, her mother made dinner and asked Erica to come in. Her mother immediately inspected the pull-up, finding it to still be dry. Her mother made spaghetti, which was her favorite. Excited, she quickly ate the pasta. In the process, she got a small amount on sauce on her dress and the table, and a good amount on her face. "Erica! You're eating like a child!" Her mother yelled at her. Her mother grabbed a napkin, tucking it into the neck of her dress for an impromptu bib. Her mother then moved closer and began cutting up her meatballs into bite-sizes pieces. As her mother was cutting, Erica went to grab her water, but knocked the glass over spilling it everywhere. Her mother yelled, got paper towels and returned with her water in a sippy cup.

After another forced bathroom trip after dinner, Erica sat down to watch TV. After about an hour the pressure in her bladder started to build. Just as the episode was ending her mother came into the room and told her it was time to get ready for bed, then they could watch a movie. Erica went to her room but her mother followed. Once Erica got into her nightgown, her mother told her to use the restroom. After relieving herself in the toilet for what seemed like the first time all day, she returned to see the diaper with tabs spread out on the ground. "Lie down" her mother instructed. Her mother proceeded to add baby powder and tape the diaper around her waist. Unlike the pull-up, the diaper was extremely thick and noticeable between her legs. With each step she took she could hear and audible crinkle.

Her mother then told her, "because this has the taped on it, you can't be taking this diaper on and off, so you'll just have to use it throughout the night, and I'll change you in the morning." That made sense to Erica, but she immediately regretted not pooping in the toilet when she had the opportunity before. She would just have to hold it until the morning.

Erica and her mother decided to watch the lion king movie, during which, her need to poop become more and more pressing. With about 30 minutes left in the movie, it became clear she could not hold it until the morning. Erica thought about it and since she'd have to go at some point, there was no point in holding it any longer. Laying under the blanket on the couch, Erica started to push. She was surprised how easily she was able to go. Immediately she felt a slimy hot mess fill the bottom of her diaper. After about a minute her moms nose started to flare.

"Did you have an accident Erica?" Her mother asked. Embarrassed Erica didn't respond. Her mother got up and pulled the back of her diaper back, looking inside. "Wow you really did a number on that. I guess I will have to change you before bed." Her mother proceeded to change her and then Erica went to sleep.

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